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{Mateus} A Place for the Weary and Downtrodden

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Hello everyone, first and foremost I would like to preface what I'm about to write with
I'm glad to be coming back to the game and hopefully getting together with peeps and making 
some awesome stories.


More to the point, I've recently returned to FF14 after a bit of a hiatus because of life.
This has caused me to look at my old characters I had and the stories created while RPing with them.
This has led to me deciding to form a RP FC on Mateus and I thought asking for suggestions/interested
parties here would be a effective and enlightening decision. 


I have a basic idea, as well as a name, for the FC I'd like to build but I believe outside 
opinions and other ideas bring about interesting alternatives to storytelling.


Name: Asylum of Masks


Synopsis: Wherever you go, poverty, corruption, and suffering abounds. Whether it be refugees after the Calamity,
lives lost during skirmishes with the Garleans, or livlihoods destroyed by the political machinations of those 
in power, Eorzea's position is precarious for many. This realization has made one man, known as Mask, work towards
forming a sanctuary of sorts for those in need. He has expressed a desire to help all those he can, but in turn
asks for help himself, for such an organization does not come about without ample time, assistance, and materials.
The Asylum will not build itself overnight, but Mask believes making his intentions known is the first step
towards building something good.


This is, as I cannot stress enough, a WIP to be sure. As of now, I'm still on the lookout for signatures for the actual
formation, which will then lead to expanding as I am able and scheduling official events, etc. I happily invite 
anyone interested in being a part of this, or even just giving advice, to either PM here, replying, or finding my 
char Mide Hotgo on Mateus and hitting me up from there. Thank you very much in advance!

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