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JENOVA| LF RP Partner;

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I posted here once before but my current rp partner went mia, and I really want to rp and continue Orianna's story. I can rp on discord or in-game. I'm an EST player, I tend to be more active at night during the work week. I'm down for any kind of rp, though I have a preference for darker themed rps. (Obviously not all as that can be exhausting). Preferably with characters that aren't strictly lawful stupid.

You can find my discord here: BellCat#3068
I'm also in-game on the Jenova server as: Orianna Chant


Little bit about Orianna.

Orianna is a miqote sun seeker, born in Doma and moved to Ul'dah as a refugee as a child. She's lived a lavish lifestyle, her adopted family being rather well off. Currently she managed the Golden Arcana a mage's collective, and practices some criminal activity. If you would like more details, I'll be more than happy to give you some. I just don't want to give away her entire history. ^^

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you're still looking for roleplay partners, I recently transferred from Mateus (found out some friends play this game) and have been looking for some roleplay myself.


I'll give you a quick summary of my character, Mish'ka Nietzsky.


- Mish'ka was originally an archer with the Serpents, fighting to protect his native Gridania against the Ixal threat.  When he saw the destructive power of Garlean technology firsthand, he became convinced, that, in order to defeat the Garleans once and for all, the gap in technology must be bridged between the opposing armies.  Upon hearing rumors of a Academy in Ishgard seeking apprentices, he put in his resignation with the Twin Addler and set off to become an engineer.


(Feel free to send a message in game, I don't know how much I'm going to get around to checking these forums).

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