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Hello everyone! I'm ravenael. I just rerolling over on mateus after coming back to 14 after a long break (sorry if the formatting for this post is ugly. I'm doing this on mobile)


  • MMORPG background 

I've been playing them most of my life, from EQ, to WOW, to Rift and even ff14 1.0. MMO is my favorite genre.


  • RP experience

I've done some rp here and there but nothing major. I'very always wanted to get involved in a group dedicated to it and 14 seems likes its the most rp friendly.


  • Character ideas/info

I have a basic character profile I made and i've been thinking about as i level him to fill in the dots between the past and the time he is in 14 (I feel like i've been writing a novel and I haven't even gotten to rp yet in game)


  • How did you learn about the coalition?



  • What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? (e.g. Light, medium, or heavy)

Medium to heavy. I've never done serious rp before so I want to dive into it fully (I am playing on ps4 so I expect it to be a challenge but one I'm excited for)


  • Anything from real life you're comfortable with sharing? (Work, school, hobbies, etc.)

Hobbies include watching anime and primarily playing games (im also a huge monster hunter fan which I am super hyped over the crossover). I also have a 1 year old son that likes to throw his hard, plastic toys at daddy (he has a strong arm on him)


That's pretty much it. I can't wait to see everyone in game and start meeting people. 


Edited by Ravenael
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