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Introduction with few questions.


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Hey guys, I'm G'lyhnka from Omega server.

So, after I've been playing this game for a year. I decided that it's finally time for me to start RPing, since I've been wanting to try RPing since I started the game, but I never had a gut to actually start. :v Mostly because I don't have anyone I know that's interested in RP, but also because I have a few questions that I'd like to know the answers before I get started.

- Can I RP without having to join the RP-FC? (Mainly because currently, I'm already in a FC.)
- How do I start? As in, how do I start establishing my character? How do I make people know of my character? (Sorry if this sounds confusing, I'm a bit stumbling with English at times. - what I meant is something along the line of, do I randomly walk up to other RPer and start RPing with them to start my "story"?)

...Not sure if I have more questions or not, but that'll be it for now.
Have a nice day!

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welcome \o

1. Yes, you can roleplay without being in an FC. Keep an eye out for event announcement forum posts and check out public events, which usually tend to be relaxed festivals , performances, or tavern nights in housing areas.


2. Read through some character profiles at the wiki ( https://wiki.ffxiv-roleplayers.com/pages/Main_Page ) to get an idea of how to write and build your own toon's backstory. RP in an MMO space is largely a back-and-forth writing exercise, with you acting out your toon's day to day life in the world and reacting to things in-character. Ingame, if a player has "walkups welcome" in their description when you examine them, then you can approach them and introduce yourself in-character. 


3. Sit back and observe others RPing in public for a while, and/or look for a small free company willing to help you practice roleplay. Most guilds have their own forums these days, where you can practice writing forum post RP to each other back and forth, or they use Discord.

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