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(Mateus) Wanderer - far from home for now

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Fist of all hello! I am somewhat obviously quite new to the game! I've been playing for a few weeks and very much enjoying myself. I am also a long time and Experienced roleplayer so... I did a little digging and what do I find? A full fledged community! So I thought I would jump in and state that I am looking for contacts!


A little bit about the character. Tamoko is a skilled Martial Artist preferring to not engage in combat at all unless there is no other alternative. Not exactly advanced in years but not exactly young either she finds herself stranded rather far from home, at least for now and trying to make her way back to Doma. She tends to wander quite a bit but makes a sort of 'temporary home' in Ul'dah. Thoughtful and introspective and sometimes even a fountain of wisdom she is gregarious and sometimes easily amused. Her exotic features very often are home to a small, amused smile. Always ready to help someone out, and often refusing any sort of payment for services provided. Her existence however is quite lonely.


Potential hooks:

- Old friend/companion/love (with discussion on this of course)/rival from her homeland

- The journey home. She'll need help trying to make her way back so all sorts of people can help her along the way.

- New friends/companions she meets during one of her many forays into 'helping out'.


Overall I'm looking to make connections, maybe join a Free Company? I'm really getting into the game and enjoying myself immensely. I'm on the Mateus server, but my playtime can vary wildly.



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Your character sounds lovely and she's so cute! :D 
If you'd like you're welcome to check out the FC I run, Uranami Onsen. 
https://uranami-onsen.tumblr.com and 

We're a small onsen and izakaya based-company that's out of Mist, looking for staff and adventuring-patrons. 
We have an open house this Sunday at 4pm Pacific Time. 

If you'd like to talk on discord feel free to send me a ping; Fox#5907


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  • 4 weeks later...

Welcome to the game. ^^


If your looking for connections, my Keeper is always willing to make new friends. He's an explorer and adventurer essentially and gets around everywhere. 


Here's his profile if your interested: https://wiki.ffxiv-roleplayers.com/pages/Tetsuya_Zeusu


And if you're still interested after reading that you can message me on RPC or discord: Tenkhin#8724


Happy RPing. :)

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