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[Balmung] Recently Returned Veteran LF RP

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Server: Balmung

Timezone: EST (GMT -5)

Focal Region: Ul'dah/Thanalan


I play L'cero Nunh -- Cero of the Viper -- and the story I had been telling with him is complete. It's time to look forward to the next tale and the truth is that I really don't know what form that's going to take. I'm also back from a hiatus of about 9 months and have found that the vast majority of my former RP contacts have departed FF14. My cat and I are forced to start anew, get out there, meet new and interesting characters, establish a new network of RP folk! I won't bother defining what manner of RP I'm looking for, because I'm seeking anything and everything, from anyone, regardless of race or gender. I don't want to pre-establish expectations and would rather invite anyone -- anyone at all -- who finds themselves interested to reach out via RPC or IG. I'm looking forward to it!


In the meantime, I should reiterate that I'm a Balmung player in the Eastern Standard Timezone (or GMT -5,) and that I focus my character presence in and around Ul'dah and Thanalan. L'cero Nunh is obviously a Seeker of the Sun Miqo'te male, but I encourage readers not to make the usual presumptions based on his Nunhiness. I have invested a good amount of thought into a realistic portrayal of Sunseeker culture and even more attention into Cero's story itself. I can assure you, this Nunh isn't what you expect (and is completely lore appropriate.)


There it is. For any interested parties, please feel free to send me a PM here on the RPC, or if you're as communicative as I am, don't hesitate to ask for my Discord. I can't wait to hear from you!





But you're still here and wonder if there's anything specific I can offer for RP concepts? Well, since you asked so nicely...


There is something that I think could be a lot of fun. I would like to see Cero cast in a role not unlike the dynamic between DC Comics's Batman and Joker. These two icons are as much family as they are enemies. Each knows the other better than anyone else and in truth they need one another to justify themselves. It really is a fantastic and fascinating paradigm. Of course, they're the stuff of comics with one cut as the clear hero and the other the definite villain. I don't need anything so black and white, but I think it could be a blast to find someone (or someones) with whom Cero could have that mutually adversarial relationship.


This wouldn't be as simple as aggravating one another or engaging in cartoonish antics under the guise of villainy. I'm looking for a player (or players) who grasps the depth of what I'm putting down here, has a character (or characters) to fit the bill, and wants to work with me to make this story happen. Behind the scenes, this player and I would be collaborators, together ensuring that neither character is the undisputed superior and that both characters feel the pressure of the other's presence and activities. On stage, our characters should create around themselves a captivating sequence of events that delight others to witness and join in.


Of course, it needn't be quite to these terms either. Maybe you play an actual villain in desperate need of an opponent, or you prefer something even more complicated than Batman and Joker and want to aim for Batman and Catwoman (personally, I find this idea to be even more compelling than Batman/Joker,) or maybe you're a natural GM and this post has inspired you. If what I've written resonates with you at all, please don't hesitate to contact me and we can talk things over.


Edited by Candor
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