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Should I change his name or...?


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My character, who's now at level 18 and kind of my baby, has a very lore-inappropriate name (he's a Keeper Miqo'te) and I'm...Not sure if I should work it into the lore as his pseudonym or just make a new Miqo'te character for RP's sake. I hadn't looked up the lore before naming him, so I made...A lot of mistakes.


"Jac'qal" is not a legitimate Miqo'te name, past me. Please look up the lore first.

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If the character's only level 18 you might as well just remake it with the lore accurate name. At most, you lost a couple hours of work. That said names are probably the thing people are the least fussy about. A lot of people make the same mistake you did and the community tends to be sympathetic. For me personally, it only really bothers me when people try to play a lore inaccurate name like it makes sense. I prefer when people either use their backstory to explain an inaccurate name or use a different name for the purpose of RP.

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