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Getting back into FFXIV RP! [Mateus]

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Hey everybody! Its been a couple years since I RP'd in FFXIV and I'm looking to get back into it. Looking possibly for an FC or just anybody who wants to do a session or meet in an open RP setting. I started a new character recently to roll with so I cant get to too many place and my glam options are limited but bear with me.

Let me introduce you, as succinctly as I can, to... Auriane Duclos


A Wildwood Elezen from Ishgard, Auriane grew up on the streets of Ishgard. To get through the days she often had to rely on her street smarts and the generosity of others. Generosity was scarce, especially during the war with the Dravanian horde, but she found a way to manipulate and garner attention and gifts to help make the days easier. Inspired by the gallant dress of many nobles, seeing how many trailed behind them, took to sewing. She began to design and stitch outfits together from discarded fabrics and rags to dress herself in something a little more... disarming. By day she wandered the streets hoping to be approached by those struck by "love at first sight" and at night helped produce amenities and clothes for those stuck on the streets with her. Although it took time, she found that this newfound generosity and interest from those around, simply for how she presented herself, was a way to survive. Life was looking up until word started to spread about who she really was the "scam" she was running. With enough gil saved to make a trek out of Ishgard she fled. Overnight she vanished from Ishgard and quickly faded from memory.


She now works on her own, running a small shop as a weaver out of Ul'dah. Given the opportunity to re-invent herself once more she took up that same mantle. She is an "Ishgardian Noble" and none are the wiser. Running her shop with a cold air of nobility, Auriane hopes to draw attention and business with her fabricated facade.




So yea, I left some details out but I think that more or less summarizes Auriane. Hopefully I will see some of you around in game. Feel free to whisper me, or send a friend request. My goal right now is to level up and get enough money for an apartment so I can make this dream a complete reality. Ill talk to you all soon! 




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