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[Balmung] Looking for RP (social/adventuring) FC

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Hello, I'm looking to join a RP FC that's focused around social interactions and adventuring. Whether it's a trading company that hires people to protect their goods, a group of information brokers or straight up treasure seekers doesn't matter. What's important however (and the reason why I post here instead of applying to any of the FCs listed in the club) is that due to my weird schedule I'm usually missing all the events in most FCs I've been in the past. I play mostly between 3am - 11am EDT on week days and it would mean a world to me if there were actually events happening around this time (no, it's not a must that there are daily/weekly events during these hours, but being able to participate even once in a while would definitely resolve the issue of feeling like I'm not participating in life of the FC when it matters the most).

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