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Hello (Again!)


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It's been a super long time since I've posted or even played. I had a whooooooole lot going on. I'm back at it again, so I thought I would stop in and say hi!


I'm Remi. I messaged a few people on here literally years ago that did fortune telling RP because I thought it would be fun to do.. and then I took it a step further and found a way to incorporate Eorzean lore, the cards that the AST uses and combine them with their IRL Tarot counterparts. I did readings here and there when time let me, but have heard nothing but great things from those that I read for. Unfortunately, you're not able to touch the cards yourselves so I have to actually do that part, but other than that, it's a good time with physical cards being used.


I am super happy to be back and see all your faces again, new and old. I am ecstatic to see that this place is still here (so much has changed!) and thriving. I haven't RP'd in a super long time, and it looks like I would have to get my macros set up all over again (it's a LOT to type out lol), but if any of you are bored/curious and would like to see what the cards have to say to you, feel free to shoot me a tell! I'm looking forward to seeing you folks in game xD

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