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Hiya, new here but not to RP

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I go by the name Obscura, my main is Vex'zjarr Obscura on Faerie where I happily (most the time) run an FC called The Knightmare, that my goal is to be more of an RP free company with the equivalent of a player ran levemete/bounty board.


I am new to RP in FFXIV, though I have been playing since August 2017.


I am not new to Role-play or mmorpgs. I have done play-by-post forum RP, LARP, and RP in mmorpgs for around 12 years now. A good chunk of that was fairly dedicated RP when I was part of a triumvirate in a Role-play focused cross-faction Guild(s) in SWTOR for 3 years, including running storylines and other rp events.


I stopped participating in RP after I stopped playing a couple years ago and after I had a couple of bad RP experiences.


However, it has been awhile, and I was recently reminded of the many good RP experiences I have had. I miss roleplaying and want to give it a try again! I would consider my rp type to be medium to heavy. I am open to various rp, but please talk to me about it first.


I do have some real life health issues that sometimes interferes with my ability to RP, specifically some anxiety that I am working on. Also, a physical health condition that will sometimes require me to drop what I am doing immediately to treat, though I am usually back within 20 minutes from that. I will try to give warning when I go afk at those times. I would be happy to explain more in private before rping. So I would appreciate patience from those who are willing to RP with me.


I do have a linkshell on Faerie, but it is not rp specific.  I am looking for either a RP linkshell for Faerie or even an Aether one.

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Welcome to the RPC!


I'm sorry to hear that you've had some bad experiences that caused you to turn away from it for a while, but I'm happy to hear that you're giving it another whirl! It sounds like something you are super passionate about, and I know it's helped me get away from all the negativity and bring me to a much better place. I don't see anything for Faerie over in the Linkshell section, but I definitely encourage you to maybe open one up! Maybe there are other Faerie Folks that you could recruit and/or meet up with and get the ball rolllllllllin xD

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