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RP chat mechanics

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I hate to use an example that everyone may not be familiar with, but one of the greatest things about SWG was the roleplay and the simple built in system that was built into chat. It added so much to the immersion and made it second nature for most of us to create an environment that fostered RP. Does FFXIV have something similar to the following?



Regular chat text is green.

If you type /emote, your name would automatically show followed by whatever it is you type, all in green text.

Say I I typed the following: /emote walks over to the nearest bar and orders a drink.

To all of you in the immediate area (/say range), it would appear as the following in all green text: Seregelleth walks over to the nearest bar and orders a drink.

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I can't speak for ARR, but 1.0 definitely had something like that and I've no reason to believe the feature wouldn't make a comeback for ARR!


Should this be true, this makes me a very happy panda. :moogle:

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Had to log back on to double check but I did "/em waves like a crazy person." and it came out as "Azthran waves like a crazy person." So there ya have it! Also ironicly the text colour was greenish.

It's not green, it's turquoise blue! Harumph!

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Had to log back on to double check but I did "/em waves like a crazy person." and it came out as "Azthran waves like a crazy person." So there ya have it! Also ironicly the text colour was greenish.

It's not green, it's turquoise blue! Harumph!

 Lol. I said green-ish but you're right it's more of a turquoise.

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