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Haven't touched this in a while - Returning RPer

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Hello there! Phoo, I admit it has been a while. I haven't touched FFXIV or it's roleplaying scene since 2015! And , to make the understatement of the century, I think I've missed a lot. So I might as well bring myself in anew. I've actually been playing the game up to the end-game content of Stormblood just to get a feel for it and - what do you know, I've fallen in love with it again. That's when I noticed something was missing...and that lead me over here.



So, hello everyone! Glad to meet all of you as I'm unlikely to remember anyone from back in the day, I'm a working class shmuck who loves to roleplay in his free time and has, sadly, precious little of it - though I don't intend to let that stop me from trying to do what I enjoy. But I absolutely love this game and I remember that you - the fantastic roleplay community - was absolutely delightful back in the day. I'm dying to get back into it - which in no small order involves me getting a character back on Balmung - my old server - and getting to know you all again. I'm going to be setting my eyes open for an FC pretty soon so, I'll have to see where that goes.


That said, I'm still running through potential character ideas for a new character that I hope to focus on, so brainstorming will be a requirement. Until then - I hope to see you all in-game!

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Feels strange saying welcome back to someone who fell off years before I was even here, but I don't know how else to put it. I can certainly relate to working and having little time but wanting to RP as much as you can anyway. Might have to server hop and do something with you sometime.

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2 minutes ago, DelphinusVyse said:

Feels strange saying welcome back to someone who fell off years before I was even here, but I don't know how else to put it. I can certainly relate to working and having little time but wanting to RP as much as you can anyway. Might have to server hop and do something with you sometime.

Well, it's appreciated anyway! Thank you.


Hey, hey, so long as I'm online, I'm always available. Being from the EU timezone never makes things any easier but I will be darned if I let work eat up my weekends.

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Ah, well I'm in EDT, so about 5 hours behind London. I suppose on days like this when I don't work, or at least work and leave early we might be able to work something out, depending on how late you take your nights.

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1 minute ago, DelphinusVyse said:

Ah, well I'm in EDT, so about 5 hours behind London. I suppose on days like this when I don't work, or at least work and leave early we might be able to work something out, depending on how late you take your nights.

My nights are rarely busy, and since I rarely have any reasons to get up early - usually quite late. We shall certainly work something out!

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