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Of Chocobos. Questions, and possible confusions.

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So...where is my Chocobo or did I miss the last train to Clarksville?


Actually, let me set this question in proper context...


Okay, so I bought the v1.0 CE Box at launch and I think I even Beta tested it a tad before that. I then leveled up a few classes, but definitely nothing to brag about and sorta left the game after a month or so. Then the months go by and it is announced the game will relaunch, but could those interested sign on for 3 months of sub and we will give you stuff.


This sounded fine and while I re-subbed for 3 months, I didn't really touch the game; maybe I poked it, but that is about it. I think a Chocobo was thrown into the package of goodies (I didn't bother trying to get the Gobbo mount because it was not for my tastes).


I skipped Phase 1 and 2 recently, but decided to dip my toe in Phase 3. So far, so good. I am very low-level, but things are looking nice. I got my onion hat and...that's about it. So, will I get the other stuff at launch and it's hiding away now? Or am I too low level to use it? Or is it some other reason? Or maybe I am mistaken?

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If you're asking why you couldn't access your personal chocobo as soon as you logged into beta, it's because you need to use a "chocobo whistle" item now. The Calamity Salvager that can be found in each starting city will have it if it's not already in your inventory.

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Also if you're talking about the Legacy chocobo gift I'm pretty sure that's just unique barding (armour) that you'll get to put on your bird when you get to that point of the game. Just like the behemoth barding from the ARR CE or the bardings you could get through the Grand Companies back in 1.0.

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Also if you're talking about the Legacy chocobo gift I'm pretty sure that's just unique barding (armour) that you'll get to put on your bird when you get to that point of the game. Just like the behemoth barding from the ARR CE or the bardings you could get through the Grand Companies back in 1.0.




Thank you for all the answers but I guess this reply is closest... at least, it seems to be. I probably do need to get a Chocobo whistle and make sure it is not a Chocolate one in case I accidentally eat it. That probably comes from finding the "Calamity Salvager or saving up Chocolate points in 1.0...or something...:?


I still have not seen hide nor hair of the "Keeper of the Whistle", so I am probably under-level. Anyone knows what level is required to gain the riding bird? Maybe the Salvager is just avoiding me because of some unknown slight I may've done to them?

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Actually, I'm fairly certain that is is an actual chocobo. I've never seen anything about barding in any official reference to the Legacy program. The Legacy program information page is quite explicit that it is a chocobo that you're rewarded with. My impression is that the chocobo itself will have distinctive plumage from the standard, or possibly that it has particular barding which cannot be customised.


If you didn't get a chocobo through the Grand Company system in 1.0, you won't have one sitting in your inventory or at the Calamity Salvager. If you did, instructions to find the Calamity Salvager in your starting city can be found here.


To earn a chocobo, I believe the system is the same now as it was before, more or less. Get to level 20, go through quests that lead to joining a Grand Company, do stuff for them, purchase (or get rewarded with?) a chocobo whistle. This has nothing to do with Legacy chocobos, so far as I'm aware.

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Actually, I'm fairly certain that is is an actual chocobo. I've never seen anything about barding in any official reference to the Legacy program. The Legacy program information page is quite explicit that it is a chocobo that you're rewarded with. My impression is that the chocobo itself will have distinctive plumage from the standard, or possibly that it has particular barding which cannot be customised.


If you didn't get a chocobo through the Grand Company system in 1.0, you won't have one sitting in your inventory or at the Calamity Salvager. If you did, instructions to find the Calamity Salvager in your starting city can be found here.


To earn a chocobo, I believe the system is the same now as it was before, more or less. Get to level 20, go through quests that lead to joining a Grand Company, do stuff for them, purchase (or get rewarded with?) a chocobo whistle. This has nothing to do with Legacy chocobos, so far as I'm aware.


Ah, seems I may have been mistaken and was under the impression that it was just barding and after taking a look at some concept art the Legacy chocobo does seem to have much darker tips to it's feathers than those found on non-legacy birds. This is also the case with the A New Beginning trailer so I think you might be right. :)

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Good to know as well. Now, I just got to get to level 20 in a casual way without looking TOO casual...  :dodgy: And joining a Grand Company....that is, assuming they would even have such a character such as mine! :angel:

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