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Long time RP'r, new at FFXIV!


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I'm a few days late, but welcome to the RPC and FFXIV, Kenjiro!


The lore is pretty open, so we can pretty much go whatever direction we want. It's nice~


And there's nothing wrong with simple! Heck, I don't even have anything really fleshed out for Remi. And I agree with you on how awesome character arches can be! I think we're on the same page lol.


I'm 100000% unfamiliar with the lore at all. When I went through ARR, HW and SB.. I was guilty of skipping all of the cutscenes and dialogue. It wasn't until Shadowbringers that I watched and read everything. I'm probably the least informed FFXIV player in the world when it comes to that. Then again, I RP a Miqo that grew up with a traveling circus troupe, so I guess that'd make sense. See! I went easy and simple, too lol.


There is also the Lore forums. But you posted this like 4? days ago, so you've prolly already seen it. But.. you know.. just in case!



Maybe we'll bump into each other~

Edited by Kirakira
I can't spell. Like, at all. Oh, and to add in the lore link.
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