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LARPer looking for RP in FFXIV

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Hello fellow adventurers and fantasy friends!


Allow me to introduce myself in some semi-spectacular way!


Experience: I used to play WoW and Guildwars and FF11... been a few years since I've done an MMO but I very much would like to RP with people. When I was in WoW I created a travelogue for my character, Shadowlyrick, who made a goal at level 35 to get all of the flight points. (He died a lot.) I like creating my own quests within games and using them in ways people may not think of. 


I'm on Behemoth. My character Alastair, is a dandy (hence the name) and is all about fashion. Think of Sir Percy Blakeney from Scarlet Pimpernel. He's hoping to establish himself as the Count of Couture and be famous for his clothing designs. 


Probably about a medium level RP level would be my preference... it's hard to stay in char 100% of the time, but it's fun to interact IC. 


Would love to find new friends to RP with but also an RP-based FC. Not into the sexual thing, but some casual flirting IG is of course fun. 


I just went through my first dungeon with the Duty auto-select party feature and it was the opposite of what I enjoy -- no talking, rushing through everything, no plan or breaks. Let's TALK about our adventures as they happen! 


I'm a voice actor and college teacher in Los Angeles.  I've been trying to use my expensive VO mic with Discord but it's having some trouble detecting the auto-speak. Maybe I should buy a cheap headset. 


I know there's lots of servers and worlds, so I'm not sure how you all go about finding each other but please say hi and let me know what you think, advice, etc! If you know a great RP FC let me know, I might even transfer to them.




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Hello and welcome! I saw LARPer and immediately rushed over! Years ago I used to be involved heavily in the SCA, but moved to an area without a chapter, which led me to the next closest thing I could find: MMO RPing. 

Welcome to the community and hope you find your flavor. There's definitely lots of flavors of RP here. I will note that heavy RP doesn't mean always in-character for many in this community, but rather refers to how they roleplay, and keep track of their character(s) progression, while in-character.  If you're not sure what I mean, check the section under Different Styles of RP in this RPers handbook here: 

I'd love to offer meeting up in-game sometime, but that will have to wait until they pull the cyber-walls down between the data centers. In the meantime, I hope you find some awesome adventures, create radical quests to share with others, and have a glorious time. :)

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