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Here we are again...

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For some reason i have the song from Portal stuck in my head atm.  I started in 1.0 but never got involved in the forum as the guild i was in fizzled (sadly) for this game as many of my friends from FFXI abandoned the game due to the issues we all had.  I'm overly excited to be back!  Many of them will not be...I dont care.  I'm looking forward to the rp that i'm bound to find with such a good rp community.


Looking to get my hand back in drawing (i need the practice)  ...if i manage anything that doesnt completely suck i'll share.  I also do a great deal of writing, there's nothing better the weaving a story for others to share.  I'm looking forward to the weaving we'll all do together.



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Hello and welcome~! For a second, I glanced over the part about weaving stories and thought you meant basket weaving for some reason . _ . But weaving stories with words is just as awesome and I can't wait to read anything you decide to share with us C:


Also you can't argue with the Portal soundtrack, Valve has a wonderful sense of humor.

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Mmm ... now I have 'Want you gone' stuck in my head. Good song.


Welcome to RPC, come on in the water's nice. Watch out for Elkabong's pies though, he likes to throw them at random.

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*drags pie off to her corner under her work desk, tarunibbles at it* Just as soon as i'm done reworking her background and character page ...and deciding if she's a midlander or a highlander ....god how i wish the creator was accessible for fiddling with between betas....*sighs, nibbles pie*

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*smirks* Yes sweetpea, you know you get your vote when i go home and play with it a bit more, just a few more hours <3 *crosses eyes at*  And very glad to be here, but you already know that.  Now if i could just crowbar my brother into being more active and i'd be set.


I'd think that pixel Lulu as my avatar would have been a dead give away...eeh maybe i should have picked Desi's avatar ...but i didnt have that one handy lol

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