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New to the realm of Eorzea

Verona Fisher

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Hi everyone...I'm wrapping up my first week in the game and yes I'm completely hooked. I actually came across this site while trying to delve into some lore about the game.  I think it's amazing how immersive some of you are with your characters and I want in...I've certainly got the imagination for it. Even before starting the game I did a bit of homework on the opening classes and some of the lore for the various locations simply because I wanted my character to have a backstory that made sense with their surroundings.  Having started and learned a little more I'm wanting to completely flesh out my character and where they came from.  Obviously just getting started though so I have a long ways to go.  Thought it might be fun to make some friends along the way.  Anyway just a quick hello...I look forward to sharing more at some point. 

Edited by Verona Fisher
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Welcome then Verona. I'm still pretty new here to but I think this is a great resource to meet similarly minded people. I'm not on the same server as you but I'd be happy to chat and rp if you're looking for writing friends.

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Welcome to the FFXIV RP website Verona! o/


The lore for this game is very well fleshed out, it can be dizzying the amount there is to learn and explore. That's a good thing though, FFXIV provides a setting with lots of cultural variation and social ingredients for us to draw from. ^_^ 

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