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Viera FC seeking out new Vierra!

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FC Tag: <BrwRP>

Leader: Sango Ravenwillow

Officers: Aella Goldleaf and Lucia Dawn

FC House/Apartment Address - LB 15/15

Type of FC - Roleplaying, PvE, community

Active Time - Mostly NA evenings

Alignment - Neutral


IC Background - Having been scattered so thoroughly, the Viera were thrust into a world and culture very unlike their own from the forests and mountains near Rabanastre. Struggling to find skills usable in the cities and towns, some Viera have thrived in their great hunting and surviving abilities by becoming mercenaries or body guards. While others have given into the allure their kind seems to have, and giving into seeder endeavors, just to scrape a living. Those that do not have luck, find themselves in foreign lands, stranded and alone. Sango had seen the strife of her sisters, and struggled to eek out a living and gather a savings. She is now calling her sisters, to come home. She, and a few of her work acquaintances, turned business partners, are seeking all Viera to rally once again together. The Burrow will offer mercenary services, and its HQ, the Lavender House, centers on where those not of the fighting ilk, can work in the bar and inn.


OOC Background/Advertisement Description - All Viera RP, the story is based off, what I would imagine the Viera might be going through as a new race to Eorzea. The rp will be centered around mercenary work for other rp FC story lines, and we have a location and bar decorated, just waiting for the IC friends to join in, and for new members who maybe interested. All levels of RP experience and FFXIV experience welcome! We do chat along with each other in our discord and FC chat, but the RP is serious, so I hope all applicants will have a mindset for it!


CONTACTS: MsTron#9690 (me), Calamity Bacon (Lucia/U'aki)#3357 (Lucia), Diakoru#7121 (Aella)


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