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(Coeurl) <I.D> Role Play Free Company Recruiting!

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Insurmountable Death
Relic Hunters Extraordinaire


Our Story:
I.D is a group of misfits, those who don't fit into the "rules" that govern the races, or just those who have no place to call home. We are relic hunters who enjoy taking on the creatures that others are terrified to face for things that might just help some of us figure out where we fit in, in this world. We are the ones who are searching for answers to the hard questions, the questions everyone else fears.



Positions Opened:
Are you a misfit looking for somewhere to call home? Don't think you have anyone on your side? Well I say differently! I.D is here for those who can answer yes to these hard questions. We are a family who sticks together through thick and thin while enjoying hunting for the things that other's won't dare go after. Does the idea of hunting down a rare object or perhaps facing off against a strong opponent sound like fun to you? Then perhaps you have just stumbled across the perfect place for you. We are seeking both experienced and inexperienced role players, along with those raiders who would love to live in both the RP world and raiding worlds. 


Example of Event Positions:

Massage Therapist

Example of FC Positions:

Airship Mechanics
Expert Relic Hunters (Raiders)
Stable Worker
Event Planner
Interior Decorator
Outings Planner
Public Relations



If any of these sounds like something you are interested in then please reach out either on FFXIV or contact me personally on Discord.

Discord - Syntharia Val'estraa#0729
IG - Syntharia Val'estraa (Coeurl)

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