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[Aether/Jenova] LF RP Partner Long-term

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Been awhile since I've posted, but I am looking for someone to rp with consistently. I have 8 rp characters on Jenova and while I have characters on crystal, I don't really have the time to dedicate to them while still having to do things on my jenova main and fc.


I am looking for any type of connections;
Friends, Enemies, Family, Romance.
I tend to write large paragraphs and prefer solo- in-game rps with some groups/events. My plots/writing can get rather heavy, I like to mix tragedy with slice of life pretty often to keep things interesting. I tend to be slightly flexible on lore. Not completely but I tend to hold preference over great story than being strict purist.

If you're only around for erp, it's probably best to find someone else to rp with.

I prefer to do in-game rp over discord unless it's something more feasibly done on discord. (Location, needing multiple characters, ect.)

You can message me on here or my discord; Kit Kat <3#3068 (Please let me know you're from here!)

Here you can find the carrds to all my rp characters on Jenova. Some have relationships that are changing due to another rp partner deciding if they want to continue rp or not. So ask if one interests you and you see that.



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