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Retainer for hire!

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"Does something you acquired need to be sold? Need a hole in your armor mended? Does your trophy collection require dusting? You could do them yourself and take what precious little time you have away from, say, hunting monsters or seeking treasure. Or, you could hire me to do those for you and never miss a potential adventure."

--Fyrgeim Horsamskalwyn in an attempt to market herself


A quiet and attentive Sea Wolf, Fyrgeim has found her calling as an assistant to others. She speaks in a proper tone while she works, but is privy to less formal speech should the occasion arise. From forging nails for a shipwright to cooking meals for soldiers, this jack-of-all trades has found a niche in doing the remedial work the masters seldom have time to complete. This gave her the idea to become a retainer in earnest as the risky life of an adventurer leaves little time to complete the little tasks.


Feel free to get into contact with me in-game. Send Fyrgeim Horsamskalwyn a letter if I am not on!



Profile Pic.png

(Edited 11/17/2019. More to be added later)

Edited by Fyrgeim
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