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Hrothgar.... Shaman?

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After perusing some articles, I'm just gonna go ahead and make my "New Age/Steampunk" Shaman a Lost Hrothgar. Unless there's some gross inaccuracies I'm missing.... I'm basically Rp-ing in my own head, so up there, anything goes, right? ๐Ÿ˜ Thank you to the one person who commented on my previous post. Nokw I'm going to focus a little bit more on my character's motivations and goals. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฟ

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would probably take a look to goblin tech tbh. It's pretty steampunk and they really seem to have beliefs not far off the "soul of machines". Even their machina tends to have emoji faces.ย 


I would suggest running the Alexander raids in priority if you're after some pristine source material on the matter because I don't have the time right now to compile a lot of goblin lore, and it seems that Sounssy doesn't have a compilation either...


You can also take a look at mammet technology (which is clockwork tech) and creates automatons that have kind of a proto soul born out of their clock core. See for more hereย https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MPsLQkNE5Jm3fGxa5VpDGyDKJGyPfzllTCmyTmVcKgk/edit


Lastly you of course might want to take a look at Hrotgar lore, but that you know where to find, it's mostly what we know about them from the race description in the character creator. Play the gunbreaker quests for a little more maybe.

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