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Getting back into XIV again. Why was Astro butchered?

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I haven't played in quite a long while. In fact, probably since February-ish, of this year. I was excited to play again because I wanted to level up Astro. Until I looked at the cards.

All of the cards effects? Gone. And replaced with boring, homogenized 'DPS+' effects. Lord and Lady? No burst damage or heal. That too was turned into just 'DPS+improved'. Where did the effects go? Where'd the uniqueness of Astrologian's card system go? Are... are fun and unique mechanics no longer allowed? 
Is it because the devs were listening to the top 1% statics who were crying because 'nOt oPtImAl'?

 ----- Very salty, sad lalafell.

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4 hours ago, Lamiaris said:

All of the cards effects? Gone. And replaced with boring, homogenized 'DPS+' effects. Lord and Lady? No burst damage or heal. That too was turned into just 'DPS+improved'. Where did the effects go? Where'd the uniqueness of Astrologian's card system go? Are... are fun and unique mechanics no longer allowed? 
Is it because the devs were listening to the top 1% statics who were crying because 'nOt oPtImAl'?


It's actually the opposite! Astro was too optimal. They were already good then they got buffed further in one of the later Stormblood patches to where they were at a point where there was no point in bringing a White Mage. Savage statics (and even some picky extreme parties) began excluding White Mage because "muh parse!"


SE doesn't like when a class gets forced out so they needed a way to bring White Mage's damage up enough that it was worthwhile and Astro's "raid utility", which is defined as the damage it gives other people in that sort of raiding culture, down so as not to force out White Mage. There were also many complaints of having to wait around for the Astro to draw the cards for the optimal opener. What people wanted was SE letting us pick cards out of combat instead their wish and balance fix turned into homogenizing it all.


It's actually been buffed up to the point it's good again and three healers are in a surprisingly balanced state right now. Healers finally being balanced just sadly came at the cost of the card system.

Edited by Mermaid
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