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New to MMO and RP

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Hello everyone. I recently started this game in the hopes that I can meet other people and start roleplay as it's something I've always wanted to do. I'm new to both MMOs and to roleplaying but I want to learn and be part of stories and groups. My server is Zalera since the most used by RPs were  full. I'm still starting out in the game as a Thaumaturge lvl 21 so I haven't had any social interactions since I'm still learning. I really want to learn how to use this forum and how to play with many of you so any tips and advice is greatly appreciated. Thank you for welcoming me to the group and hope to see you all soon.

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Welcome and hello for reaching out 😁

First things first, enjoy the story and experience the world while considering your character.

That would be my only advice at this stage, the world is full of lore, you don't need to know it but it certainly helps 😁


When you are ready to seek others, check out for Linkshells or a Free Company suited to you, there are pages here for these 😊

Unfortunately there are a lot of issues with server space at the moment, it does change all the time if you want to keep an eye out but you will find RP on all servers 😁


Please enjoy your journey at your own pace and anything you want to know, ask away 😁

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Hello fellow Zalera person. o/


There are actually a bunch of RPers on Zalera, and a few FCs too. Not as many as Balmung or Mateus, obviously, but we are around. I don’t know that you’ll find a lot of random RP out in the world but world visit is a thing so its pretty easy to just hop over to Mateus or Balmung to find stuff. You can join cross-world Link shells too, so the only thing that isn’t cross world at the moment would be Free Companies. Finding an RP FC on Zalera is definitely a little harder than on one of the bigger RP servers. 


Edited by Lothaire Valenfort
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