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seeking roleplayers / groups / etc. that aren't just ... Extremely, Strictly, adherent to lore?

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long & short of it is that my character does have a verse where i intend to write him as a white mage ( or uh, something similar to it ), and i'd love to hang with people that won't care that it's a distant, optional, part of his character.


here's his carrd btw.

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On 10/15/2021 at 12:42 AM, egowisp said:

long & short of it is that my character does have a verse where i intend to write him as a white mage ( or uh, something similar to it ), and i'd love to hang with people that won't care that it's a distant, optional, part of his character.


here's his carrd btw.

Hey, I have a toon who's a white mage on Balmung. Small world.

I'm fine with the idea, but if you're on Balmung and wanna rp with me, we might have some problems having the two interact, as Kojaja is explicitly linked to a character in the WHM questline who's very important to the lineage of non-Padjali WHMs. Obviously this can be worked out, though.

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