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So... I went to my first event. I liked it. How may I proceed?


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Hi there!


So I have been interested in RP for awhile, and after doing my researches and homeworks for awhile, I finally went to an event first time, still not knowing whether it is something that I will find enjoyable or not. Turns out that I did - I think I really like it!


Now that I know RP is something that I do enjoy, I am trying to find other people/groups that I may be able to regularly RP, and/or maybe develop a plot (I was hesitant before, as I was not sure if this was something I would like). I was specifically looking over the list of Free Companies, but found myself unable to press the apply button..... shyness, yes indeed I am very shy, but besides that, I have a question.


I found that a majority of Free Companies seems to be centered around a specific theme, be it Ishgardian, Far East, Garlean, etcetera. As I am new to RP and character writing, although I have given much thoughts to the writing of my character, I am not sure how I would be able to figure out what kind of themes would be a good fit for my character. When I was imagining what I wanted to do as an RPer, I was thinking more of interacting with many different types of characters not limited to a specific faction, and it was with that in mind that I wrote my character.


Is there any other FC/Discord/any other group with a more generic theme that would be open to accepting a budding new RPer?

Or, would it be better for me to try to rewrite my character to fit in the themes? I would love to get some in-depth writing going and get to know the community and make RP/IC friends, but right now I am not sure which direction I should steer towards to facilitate that.


I hope the post is clear, I am writing with a very tired mind right now...

Anyways, I am excited to discover this new little thing that I may enjoy - hopefully I can continue!

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It's not confusing at all!  Most FCs are focusing on one theme because...well...it makes things easier to oversee.  The more general a group becomes, the likelihood that the focus of the FC might not be apparent and then you end up muddling what its about.  I've been co running my own fc for a while now and having a focused theme helps a ton.


That being said, if you need to develop your character more, it may benefit you to look at more one on one interactions!  You mentioned going to an event and that is a great place to make some personal contacts!

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As I suggest with most things, never hesitate to reach out if you enjoy rping with someone or are interested in their search/carrd info.  I find quite a few people wait to be contacted and reaching out first sparks interest!

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Hello there! There are RP FC's with more general themes--mercenaries, adventurers, investigators, do-gooders, crime, etc. Most RP FC's have a "theme" of some sort as an RP hook--so you have an idea what sort of characters and RP you might find there, common ground for interactions, and things for the FC to do together as events and storylines (i.e. if you join a mercenary FC, you may have combat missions together). If you're just looking for folks to RP with in an FC, there are plenty of social FC's that encourage RP and probably don't have any specific IC theme, but I can't really vouch for the amount or quality of RP you would find there.

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Thank you Shev and Faye for your input!

At first, I was struggling to comprehend the concept because I could not see how having everyone be, say, a criminal (for example) would make for a good story arc.

Now I am noticing that most of these themes are less limiting than I initially thought. Maybe I can find something for my character...


I went to events a couple more times - and in one of those I did meet someone and have fun. :)

That being said, I noticed that some events in the calendar seems to not be happening when I visited; would I be correct in assuming that is because of the server congestion?

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1 hour ago, Vorelie said:

Thank you Shev and Faye for your input!

At first, I was struggling to comprehend the concept because I could not see how having everyone be, say, a criminal (for example) would make for a good story arc.

Now I am noticing that most of these themes are less limiting than I initially thought. Maybe I can find something for my character...


I went to events a couple more times - and in one of those I did meet someone and have fun. :)

That being said, I noticed that some events in the calendar seems to not be happening when I visited; would I be correct in assuming that is because of the server congestion?

The calendars are unfortunately not always up to date, as all too often the event hosts postpone or cease their events but don't remove them. That's probably doubly true right now with the server queues and so many players still focused on Endwalker content. Things should stable out soon, though! :)

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