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Massively.com Endorses the RPC!

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We're mentioned in the Mog Log:


http://www.massively.com/2010/01/24/the ... i-and-xiv


Edit: Posting the quote


FFXIV RP Coalition -- For some of you, this is essentially going to be a dead link. But if you're interested in FFXIV and roleplaying, this is a community effort being started by some of the same people who kept the roleplaying community alive as long as possible in FFXI, and it's shaping up to be a strong effort to start off on the right foot. As a dedicated roleplayer, expect to hear more on this topic.
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I believe our very own Rhio is responsible for that link. Also, I think the "dead link" part is only a reference to the fact that the majority of players aren't interested in RP. It's a sad reality. However, I'm glad we've got one site backing us like that. Hopefully we can get other major sites to somehow link us.

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I believe our very own Rhio is responsible for that link. Also' date=' I think the "dead link" part is only a reference to the fact that the majority of players aren't interested in RP. It's a sad reality. However, I'm glad we've got one site backing us like that. Hopefully we can get other major sites to somehow link us.[/quote']


That would indeed be our very own Rhio. I know I jumped the gun a little on posting the link, but I didn't want the post to go live without a mention, so I decided I would beg forgiveness later.


And yes, I was referring specifically to the fact that for some people, there's not going to be any interesting stuff on a site devoted to roleplaying. But I think it's pretty darn important, and if you tune into tomorrow's Mog Log, I spend a very long time talking about precisely that subject. One of the advantages to having my own column is that I can post any crazy thing I want up there.


Assuming I can sneak it past my editor. He's darn quick.

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I am extremely grateful for that link in Massively. Up till now I have been trying to find where the RPer's of FFXIV hang out. Thanks to the link I found it, and I think many more will as well!

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