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Throwing my hat in here!

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Hello all! Greetings! And all that jazz! I figured might as well make a post here with some information, throw my hat into the ring as to speak. I am on Mid right now but am moving to Faerie this next week as friends are there.



MMORPG background: I have played WoW since I was around 13, so most my life has been in a MMORPG. I also was on Elder Scrolls for awhile. Now here I am!

RP experience: in WoW I was mainly an RPer, spent nearly 10 years doing that. I also as cringy as it is, was on IMVU for the same amount of time. I also have and do participate in RP groups found on DA, or Discord.

Character ideas/info: I am still fleshing out my Character fully and would enjoy doing so with others.

How did you learn about the coalition? Google search!

What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? I can work with anything honestly! Some nights I can be light others heavy, but I tend to be medium most of the time!

Anything from real life you're comfortable with sharing? I am a cosplayer, disabled home body. (So I am online alot)




Edited by NikoMyrefell
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