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[Mateus] A traveling Highlander with a knack for sewing needles and knocking heads.

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Hello everyone! I'd like to toss my hat into the ring in effort to find someone who might be interested in my character. An adventurer by trade, but also someone with a scrutinizing eye for fashion and fine clothing. Perhaps you want to build connections? Maybe you want a traveling partner? If you're an RP FC looking for new recruits, we can discuss that as well! I'm quite flexible, so don't feel constrained to the ideas I've laid out if you want to pose something different. Long term relationships with characters are preferred, however I am open to single meetings as well if that is what you would like. In terms of romance, I am also open if that is what you would like to attempt! Natural progression is a must of course, and I will likely shut things down if your character does not mix well with mine; but yet again, I am open to discussion!

Pascel Vuisolelle - At your service!

A Highlander who specializes in the crafting and marketing of fine garments and appraisal, while also being a deft hand with a gunblade.  She's traveled the wide breadth of Eorzea to the Far East and all of the lands in between; taking inspiration from local cultures and furnishing her Ul'dahn apartment with many souvenirs, fine silks and textiles taking the foremost importance. 


Despite her skill with a needle and thread, Pascel does not own a store of her own; her adventurous spirit would make her far too restless to do something like that. Instead, she primarily offers commission work. Her garments are not the most well known, but those who have ordered from her can attest to their quality. For all but the most incredibly exotic materials, she goes out in search of them herself. This can lead to rather... unbearable wait times for the clothing to be finished depending on the level of extravagance, but the end result is always quality work. 


Unfortunately, selling the occasional bejeweled dress does not cover for all of Pascel's expenses. Being an adventurer not only covers most of her regular expenses, it also gives her an excuse to go places. Indeed, she initially became an adventurer for no reason beyond the fact that she wanted to experience the vast world of fashion! At least, that is how she tells the story. For someone who only decided to go adventuring to see the sights, she is frighteningly efficient with her weapon of choice. Certainly a cut above your typical adventurer, although not at the level of those who dedicate wholly to the arts of battle. She has other skills to keep sharp, after all!


Cardd with detailed bio and OOC information



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey, I would be interested in this. I wanted to talk to you on discord, but it seems the username on your Cardd is not accurate. I can offer you a male Viera with a passion for stealing, getting drunk, and having fun mostly.

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On 4/22/2022 at 9:23 AM, D3lmoniko said:

Hey, I would be interested in this. I wanted to talk to you on discord, but it seems the username on your Cardd is not accurate. I can offer you a male Viera with a passion for stealing, getting drunk, and having fun mostly.

Yeah, I recently changed it and completely forgot to alter my Carrd. I'll go and do that right now, actually...
At any rate, I'd like to get the chance to try something with you sometime! If you want to talk things over right now, feel free to PM me. Otherwise, my Carrd should be updated!

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