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Hey there,


I'm terrible at these things as I never know where to start, I tend to jump about erratically from subject to subject like some a squirrel on meth. I'll try to keep focused... for now.


I'm a 33 year old Washington DC native, husband and father of a recently turned 5 year old little girl. I'm currently preparing to train my spawn to one day be either my personal gold farmer, or an assassin, although now that I think about it I see no reason these things have to be mutually exclusive. I work in the IT industry, specifically with Linux server hosting environments (if the website needs a server to host a Mumble server or wiki, just let me know).


Currently I run a weekly Pathfinder pen and paper group which has been a ton of fun, we're using the Skull and Shackles adventure path (Pirates ftw). Aside from that I run the RP community for another MMO TSW-RP.com, and I run a Neverwinter Nights RP server sigil-planarlegends.com Between all of this, work, and a family... I still somehow find enough time to troll around the internet. I have no idea how I manage this.


I'm looking to get involved with an active RP group that also participates regularly in game content aside from just RP. I raid tanked for many years in WoW and I'd like very much to tank again in FF14.

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Thank you! Looking forward to jumping into the mix once everything is live. I'm leaning towards Balmung at this point. It appears to have the larger community which I find alluring, I'm hoping this will make it easier to find a wider range of RPers and groups with which to associate.

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Hey there,


I'm terrible at these things as I never know where to start, I tend to jump about erratically from subject to subject like some a squirrel on meth. I'll try to keep focused... for now.


I'm a 33 year old Washington DC native, husband and father of a recently turned 5 year old little girl. I'm currently preparing to train my spawn to one day be either my personal gold farmer, or an assassin, although now that I think about it I see no reason these things have to be mutually exclusive. I work in the IT industry, specifically with Linux server hosting environments (if the website needs a server to host a Mumble server or wiki, just let me know).


Currently I run a weekly Pathfinder pen and paper group which has been a ton of fun, we're using the Skull and Shackles adventure path (Pirates ftw). Aside from that I run the RP community for another MMO TSW-RP.com, and I run a Neverwinter Nights RP server sigil-planarlegends.com Between all of this, work, and a family... I still somehow find enough time to troll around the internet. I have no idea how I manage this.


I'm looking to get involved with an active RP group that also participates regularly in game content aside from just RP. I raid tanked for many years in WoW and I'd like very much to tank again in FF14.


Welcome to RPC! You live rather close to where my fiancee and I are moving too in Aug. He also has a daughter, though she is 7 now. I'm in the process of training her to be my evil apprentice. It's going well. Elkabong (Whom I am sure is lurking around the forums here somewhere) also runs a 3.5 campaign right now up where he lives.


If you ever want to chat feel free to hit me up on gchat ([email protected]) or skype (sapphire584) I look forward to seeing you in game and hope we get to RP. :D

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Hey, welcome! Are you ready for the schpiel? 'Cause here it comes! We. Love. To answer. Questions! So if you have any, fire away! We also aim to be as helpful as possible, so we've provided some lil guides we hope you'll find useful, here. There are verious other helpful posts scattered lovingly about the forums, as well, though some are more outdated than others. I suppose that's what happens with you modify an entire world, eh, SE : P? And this is where I stop rambling! Whew... Once again, welcome, and hope to see you in game soon!

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