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Interest check: EU linkshell

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Following the discussions here and here, I'm considering setting up a linkshell for EU players on Balmung. It would be an OOC group for coordinating RP and providing assistance to each other when most of the NA players are still asleep/at work.


Anyone interested? If there's enough of a response, I'll get cracking on it!

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Seems intressting, however i would like more information.

If i join a RP linkshell i obviously want a reason for my character to join said group inrp for adventure, crafting etc. So while i can state my intresst, i cannot say that i will join untill i know more about what it will be for inrp if it matches my characters intressts or not. So yeaa.



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Count me in :> Even with some from having odd hours, they still never seem to be online at the same time.


Xeon - It was stated that the linkshell will be OOC, so it's for organizing rp, not for IC conversation ^^ And you can be in more than one linkshell at the same time.

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Well my misstake for missing the OOC part, in that case however. Is there a limit on how many you can be in a LS? Otherwise Intermission I believe its called should suffice for both eu and players from wherever. Would only create to make a rift between the different timezones, more that it already is anyway? Im all for joining a EU LS however i don't see a point if there is no limit of how many people can be in one to split up people in multiple ooc LS's.



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Just to make sure it's all clear.


The Link Shell will be out-of-character.

My understanding is that a Link Shell is limited to 128 members.

The membership of the Link Shell is controlled.  No random person can join, a character needs to meet the Owner (or any designated member) who can give out the Link Shell item for someone to join.

Each character can join up to 8 Link Shells.

A Link Shell in FFXI was the equvilant of what a guild is in other games, however in FFXIV it is only a chat channel.

In FFXIV a Free Company is the equvilant of a guild.

It's purpose is to allow players to talk to do things such as:

  • Arrange in-character meet ups
  • Ask game mechanic or lore related questions
  • To ask for assistance with quests or arrange groups
  • It isn't intended for general chit-chat as we'd like to avoid too much immersion breaking text scrolling on the screen

All of the above is open for discussion.

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I'm curious, though. How does one have IC conversations in a linkshell, if all the characters are supposed to be far away from one another? (?_?)


As has been mentioned previously this Link Shell is OOC, however to answer your question these are my thoughts on how an IC Link Shell (or IC Free Company chat channel) might work.  Feel free to use and/or adjust to suit your needs if you wish.


  1. To join a Link Shell a character needs to be given an item by the owner, or a designated member, of the Link Shell.
  2. This item could be said to be a magical shell that is attuned to the person it is given to so only their voice activates it.
  3. When you talk into the shell the words can be heard coming from every other shell, and vice versa you can hear from your shell whatever is said into any of the other shells
  4. When you say 'Hello' into the channel you are signally you're actively listening to your shell (logged on, come back from AFK, etc.) having just woken up. Perhaps you carry it on a chain around your neck to make it easier to hear, or perhaps it is small enough to be an earring.
  5. When you say 'Bye' into the channel you are signally you're no longer listening to your shell (logging off, going AFK, etc.) as you're putting it in your backpack because you don't want to make any noise that could alert the bandits nearby, etc.
  6. The above guidelines give some interesting opportunities for roleplay, for example:  If someone asks a question to someone else who was talking on the channel only a few minutes ago but that person doesn't now respond yet hasn't said 'Bye' there could be some concern that something has happened to that person.  Perhaps a search/rescue party needs to organize.

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Just to make sure it's all clear...


All of the above is open for discussion.


Pretty much everything you said aligns with what I had envisioned in the first place.


It seems like there's enough interest so I'll get to work on this later this week and post a link when it's ready.


Remember, it will be mainly used to coordinate RP during times when the server is quiet and looking for RP becomes a frustrating game of cat and mouse.

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As has been mentioned previously this Link Shell is OOC, however to answer your question these are my thoughts on how an IC Link Shell (or IC Free Company chat channel) might work.  Feel free to use and/or adjust to suit your needs if you wish.


  1. To join a Link Shell a character needs to be given an item by the owner, or a designated member, of the Link Shell.
  2. This item could be said to be a magical shell that is attuned to the person it is given to so only their voice activates it.
  3. When you talk into the shell the words can be heard coming from every other shell, and vice versa you can hear from your shell whatever is said into any of the other shells
  4. When you say 'Hello' into the channel you are signally you're actively listening to your shell (logged on, come back from AFK, etc.) having just woken up. Perhaps you carry it on a chain around your neck to make it easier to hear, or perhaps it is small enough to be an earring.
  5. When you say 'Bye' into the channel you are signally you're no longer listening to your shell (logging off, going AFK, etc.) as you're putting it in your backpack because you don't want to make any noise that could alert the bandits nearby, etc.
  6. The above guidelines give some interesting opportunities for roleplay, for example:  If someone asks a question to someone else who was talking on the channel only a few minutes ago but that person doesn't now respond yet hasn't said 'Bye' there could be some concern that something has happened to that person.  Perhaps a search/rescue party needs to organize.

Thank you for your reply!


I've just learned of the existence of something called "linkpearl", which apparently allows characters to communicate with other people. I guess that's the item you mention.


I didn't know that the game had given an actual IC explanation to Linkshells' chat. That's very cool!

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I'm curious, though. How does one have IC conversations in a linkshell, if all the characters are supposed to be far away from one another? (?_?)


  1. To join a Link Shell a character needs to be given an item by the owner, or a designated member, of the Link Shell.
  2. This item could be said to be a magical shell that is attuned to the person it is given to so only their voice activates it.
  3. When you talk into the shell the words can be heard coming from every other shell, and vice versa you can hear from your shell whatever is said into any of the other shells


Okay, a bit of lore on the Linkshells for you both.

The linkshells ARE physical objects which produce linkpearls that are tuned with others of their kind.

This enables those who possess these linkpearls to communicate over long distances (mind that linkpearls are only attuned to one another if they were created by the same linkshell).


ARR has sadly removed the initial quest where the function of a linkpearl is demonstrated by the inn keeper in your respective starting city, by handing your character one and giving the initial story quests through it, while the character is in the field.

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