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I'm excited to become part of this community.  I don't have a lot of RPing experience but playing through FFXIV beta I found it hard not to become very attached to my character and creating a background/origin story for him.


I've decided to do this through more of a graphic novel than the traditional forum post.  All the art is directly from screenshots in game that have gone through a few filters so I make no claim to being a great artist :P.  I have only a few pages so far which flashback to before the Great Calamity.  The first part should cover my character's involvement and eventual transportation into the new realm.  Was looking to see if anyone had any comments or feedback on the art style, readability of the text, layout or lore.  Please excuse the typos in these initial drafts.  I do plan on going back and redoing the text so I've elected to just get on doing more pages for the time being.  


I do have one question for you experts on the stuff.  Is there an actual date for the Great Calamity?  Thanks in advance!


imgur link to all pages: http://imgur.com/2EqeKAF,bspDIZ1,0RPcUv8,wigaItL,fBU2MTU,MOJWQ4W,SqTR2aQ


cover: http://i.imgur.com/2EqeKAF.jpg

chapter1: http://i.imgur.com/bspDIZ1.jpg

p1: http://i.imgur.com/0RPcUv8.jpg

p2: http://i.imgur.com/wigaItL.jpg

p3: http://i.imgur.com/fBU2MTU.jpg

p4: http://i.imgur.com/MOJWQ4W.jpg

p5: http://i.imgur.com/SqTR2aQ.jpg



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Hello and welcome~! Very nice comic - I love the filters you used C: Also: to answer your question about the Calamity according to this source it was in 1572 C: If you have any more questions about anything or would like some character feedback, feel free to ask here on the forums! I see you're going to Gilgamesh, so while I unfortunately won't be seeing you in game I do hope you have a rockin' time on Gilgamesh C:

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Welcome from another RP noob! :)


Wow, what a creative idea! I hope you'll post more pages later because I'd love to read it. The filters are a neat idea. The game art is recognizable to a player of the game, but could be mistaken for real drawings, I think.


I know just what you mean about becoming attached to your character. I was unsure of what to expect when I started the beta, but even only playing for a few days, I became attached to my character. Now I'm having lots of fun coming up with possible backstories for her.

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Hello and welcome~! Very nice comic - I love the filters you used C: Also: to answer your question about the Calamity according to this source it was in 1572 C: If you have any more questions about anything or would like some character feedback, feel free to ask here on the forums! I see you're going to Gilgamesh, so while I unfortunately won't be seeing you in game I do hope you have a rockin' time on Gilgamesh C:

Thank for the source.  I'm sure I'll get more into the lore as I go on.  As kind of a side project I also got inspired to try and map the stars in this game.  The detail there is incredible.  It also happens that my character's background is going to do something with astronomy so I think it's a good fit.  Hope there are some like minded people out there! Rock on...

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