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I'll keep this short and sweet.. Hey there all, the names Berthar. I'm not too familiar with MMOs and have very little experience when it comes to RP, so I apologize if I make a few mistakes along the way. I thoroughly enjoyed my time with the beta and I look forward to RP with some of you in the near future. Thanks for reading :D

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Welcome to the RPC, Berthar. Please don't worry about having little experience; we're all new at some point. If you have any questions or any help, please feel free to post a question or send a PM to someone (maybe even me). People around here love to help. I hope your stay here is long and enjoyable.

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Welcome to the RPC Berthar! I really hope enjoy your stay here and your time in game! We were all newbies once (That's something I have come to say a lot no matter the situation) so don't worry about it. I'm sure everyone here would be more than willing to help you with any questions you may have if you only ask them.

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Welcome in!

Like others have said, don't worry about being new to it, we got tons of people of all levels of experience here.

Plus, there's a mentorship program thing going where you can pair up with a willing experienced RPer to help you out with things, if you like.

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Hello and welcome~! No worries about being new, we're always willing to help. In fact we've got the Mentorship Program and another forum which I just tried to dig for that I cannot for the love of chocobos find ; ; but we're helpful. So feel free to ask any questions that are plaguing your brain or if you're looking for character feedback. I see you're going to Gilgamesh, so while I unfortunately won't be seeing you in game I do hope you have an awesome time on Gilgamesh C:

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Hello and welcome~! No worries about being new, we're always willing to help. In fact we've got the Mentorship Program and another forum which I just tried to dig for that I cannot for the love of chocobos find ; ; but we're helpful. So feel free to ask any questions that are plaguing your brain or if you're looking for character feedback. I see you're going to Gilgamesh, so while I unfortunately won't be seeing you in game I do hope you have an awesome time on Gilgamesh C:


Thank you :) but while most of my time will be spent on the Gilgamesh server, I do plan on making a character for Balmung shortly after launch.

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