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Making a Seeker Tribe a Keeper Tribe

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I know that title makes absolutely NO sense but I couldn't figure out what to name it. XS But lately I've been wondering something. Is it possible to be a Moonkeeper and incorporate the Sunseeker tribes with it? I'm not really sure how to explain it.


Let's say you have a Sunseeker Miqo'te who might have an affinity to the moon than the sun, would it be better if they were just a Moonkeeper instead? What if you wanted to keep the Sunseeker name instead of switching that character's name to a Moonkeeper name because even though they have an affinity to the moon, they're more suited to be a Sunseeker?


Would that be weird or reasonable?

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Just because each clan is typically one way doesn't mean that every person in that clan absolutely has to be that way too. There are outliers in every culture. I don't think there's nothing wrong with being a Seeker who likes the nighttime. You'd just have to remember that they'd be living withing a mostly diurnal society.


Like college students.

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Nobody can stop you from having a character name that doesn't suit your race's lore as long as you have a reason behind it. Actually, even if you had no reason at all nobody could stop you.


I'm not sure I understand why you want a Sun Seeker how is 'attuned' to the moon. But I guess what you mean is that you like the Sun Keepers' aesthetical appareance but you prefer Moon Keepers' name, correct?

If that's the case, you can handwave it by making this character a Sun Keeper adopted by a Moon Keeper family. It's probably best to make them city-dwellers, too, since the city-states is where the cultures meet and merge, so naming conventions can be bent more reasonably. A tribal setting could work too, though.


Personally, I'd just go full Sun Keeper and adapt the name. Being a Sun Keeper with an attunement to the moon sounds incredibly odd and will send the wrong message to other roleplayers. But, as stated, being raised in a nocturnal family can explain it quite well, I think.

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I know that title makes absolutely NO sense but I couldn't figure out what to name it. XS But lately I've been wondering something. Is it possible to be a Moonkeeper and incorporate the Sunseeker tribes with it? I'm not really sure how to explain it.


Let's say you have a Sunseeker Miqo'te who might have an affinity to the moon than the sun, would it be better if they were just a Moonkeeper instead? What if you wanted to keep the Sunseeker name instead of switching that character's name to a Moonkeeper name because even though they have an affinity to the moon, they're more suited to be a Sunseeker?


Would that be weird or reasonable?


I'm sorry, I'm afraid I don't understand this bit. What do you mean "more suited" to being a sunseeker? You mean you prefer their naming conventions and/or tribal customs?

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I know that title makes absolutely NO sense but I couldn't figure out what to name it. XS But lately I've been wondering something. Is it possible to be a Moonkeeper and incorporate the Sunseeker tribes with it? I'm not really sure how to explain it.


Let's say you have a Sunseeker Miqo'te who might have an affinity to the moon than the sun, would it be better if they were just a Moonkeeper instead? What if you wanted to keep the Sunseeker name instead of switching that character's name to a Moonkeeper name because even though they have an affinity to the moon, they're more suited to be a Sunseeker?


Would that be weird or reasonable?


I'm sorry, I'm afraid I don't understand this bit. What do you mean "more suited" to being a sunseeker? You mean you prefer their naming conventions and/or tribal customs?


Yeah. That's it. I like their tribal customs better. Or rather the fact that they have their own tribes at all. If that makes sense.

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I know that title makes absolutely NO sense but I couldn't figure out what to name it. XS But lately I've been wondering something. Is it possible to be a Moonkeeper and incorporate the Sunseeker tribes with it? I'm not really sure how to explain it.


Let's say you have a Sunseeker Miqo'te who might have an affinity to the moon than the sun, would it be better if they were just a Moonkeeper instead? What if you wanted to keep the Sunseeker name instead of switching that character's name to a Moonkeeper name because even though they have an affinity to the moon, they're more suited to be a Sunseeker?


Would that be weird or reasonable?


I'm sorry, I'm afraid I don't understand this bit. What do you mean "more suited" to being a sunseeker? You mean you prefer their naming conventions and/or tribal customs?


Yeah. That's it. I like their tribal customs better. Or rather the fact that they have their own tribes at all. If that makes sense.


Ah so a nocturnal miqo'te living amongst a sunseeker tribe basically?

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Since nothing in the lore implies any conflict between the Keepers and the Seekers (and F'lhammin, as noted by the devs, suggests the two clans do interbreed from time to time), it's entirely possible to be, for instance, a Keeper of the Moon by blood adopted by a tribe of Seekers of the Sun or vice-versa. Such a character would adapt to their adoptive family, which may present some unique backstory elements. For instance, a Keeper adopted by Seekers would probably be drowsy during the day, be readily blinded by bright sun, perhaps sunburn easily, and generally not be that great at the sort of daytime activities to which Seekers are accustomed. If they were old enough to get into religion, their veneration or worship of Menphina might clash with the tribe's worship of Azeyma.

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Desphiria mentioned to me the other night that her character doesn't see well, mostly outlines and shapes. I suggested making a keeper with seeker skin and hair color themes because the Keeper's eyes have a very transparent pupil it could make her model look blind as she wants to imply. It's an aesthetic difference and considering a seeker's eyes shouldn't look that way it could suggest blindness.

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I want to play a blind Seeker girl, and the Keeper's eyes are more opaque to look like this, but she still is a seeker, how do others feel about this?


Um, are you talking about the same original concept or did you dismiss it because you thought it wouldn't work? From what I understood about it I don't think it was too unreasonable but if your character slept during the day and was active at night then she'd probably have minimal interactions with the tribe as a whole.



I see. If it's strictly aesthetic then I don't see why not but I have little knowledge about the game and race overall so I can't say with confidence if people would actually notice the difference. From what I can tell though so long as you use seeker naming conventions then no-one can tell the difference(at least I can't).

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I want to play a blind Seeker girl, and the Keeper's eyes are more opaque to look like this, but she still is a seeker, how do others feel about this?


I think as long as you didn't pick the grey or blue-ish skin tones, you could definitely pass as a blind Seeker (you also may want to be careful with the face markings). If someone gives you a hard time for it OOCly, kindly remind them that your character does not walk around with a giant "Keeper of the Moon" tag on them, so no one should be able to ICly tell the difference.

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Yeah, there's a fair amount of overlap in the creation options for Keepers and Seekers, so if you otherwise made the character look like a Seeker, their actual clan in game mechanics doesn't really matter. Your outward appearance is the only indication of clan that people have to go on IC.


Of course, that assumes that the devs don't add clan-specific equipment at some point (which you'd need to explain away if you ever acquired; "Why's that Seeker wearing the Keeper clan armor? How'd she get it?"). That's just a minor concern you need to keep in mind, though.

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Equipment is much more easy to handwave, even if the game has hard restrictions like being clan specific or being only obtained from a specific raid or boss: you just got it somehow. Maybe it was a gift, or you won it in a bet, or their previous owner is now dead (not necessarily by your hand), or it's a copy of the 'real' deal in the case of rare equipment that is supposed to be unique.

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By lore, Keepers of the Moon do not make tribes. A keeper miqo'te is usually born in a small matriarchal family, with the mother being its central figure. Once a grown adult, they will live to lead a more solitary life, until they eventually find their own mate, I guess.

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By lore, Keepers of the Moon do not make tribes. A keeper miqo'te is usually born in a small matriarchal family, with the mother being its central figure. Once a grown adult, they will live to lead a more solitary life, until they eventually find their own mate, I guess.

She was having a hard time explaining what she meant, her second post may clear things up some.



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I just wanted to point out that the "Keepers don't have tribes" mentality is just an interpretation by people reading the wording of the naming convention lore. No where in the SE lore does it state that "Keepers do not form tribes." It states that they normally come together as smaller matriarchal communities of three or four families. There is no reason that couldn't be considered a tribe. The lore simply states that Keepers don't live in nearly as large of a group as Seekers. The smaller, secluded families don't assign tribal letters to their names either, which I suppose further causes people to believe they don't live in tribes. It's all in the way you choose to interpret it right now, as the SE lore is skimpy and vague.


Under the general miqo'te lore on the official page (before you click to get the info specific to Seekers or Keepers) it mentions that the Miqo'te have hunting tribes. I don't see anything stating that Keepers don't live in tribes at all.

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I think that it would be best to change the character's name to suit Keeper traditions if you're wanting to change that character to be a Keeper rather than a Seeker. Or, you could just remain a Seeker and still feel a greater affinity for the moon than the sun. Just because your character feels closer to the moon doesn't mean their heritage needs to change. Just as real human beings are generally diurnal, there are some insomniacs among us, even though some of our ancestors really worshiped the sun. You could be a bit of a rebel among diurnal folks, as a Seeker who cares more for night than day.


I do not agree with the idea of making a Keeper avatar with warm-toned skin and calling it a Seeker, though. Skin color is not all that distinguishes a Keeper from a Seeker. Keepers have fangs, round pupils, larger ears, and longer, skinnier tails. Seekers have vertical slits for pupils, smaller ears, shorter tails, and no fangs. If you're going to be a Keeper, be a Keeper. If you're going to roll a Keeper but call it a Seeker... well, please don't. >.>

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In other games I'd agree... but in XIV, we have the canonical example of F'lhaminn, who looks like a Keeper but has a Seeker name. The above linked dev post indicates that miqo'te with features of the other tribe can happen due to genetic anomalies or mixed blood, and that it's their intention to allow people to mix and match those features to a certain degree in the character generator.

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In other games I'd agree... but in XIV, we have the canonical example of F'lhaminn, who looks like a Keeper but has a Seeker name. The above linked dev post indicates that miqo'te with features of the other tribe can happen due to genetic anomalies or mixed blood, and that it's their intention to allow people to mix and match those features to a certain degree in the character generator.

I think it would make more sense to assume that said character is really a Keeper, but has a Seeker name--not that it's a Seeker who just happens to have all of the genetic traits of a Keeper. Being of mixed heritage there is plausible too.


In all likelihood, it's probably a development oversight, but who knows.

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