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As the red-headed Hyur spoke out from behind of drunken pirates being easy to run away from Faydrel let out a hearty laugh in response. There had been a few too many times in the past where that statement had been quite true. She clapped her hands together lightly and glanced back to the younger girl with a small wink. "I much rather help them in partaking with that alcohol rather than run from it, sweetie." She spoke with a light humorous tone upon her light pink lips. "Besides, a drunk pirate is often jolly and too content to plunder your loot." She continued lightly with her joking manner before her attentions were turned back onto the male Hyur from the docks. 


"Aye, the sea runs in my blood. Generation after generation of sailors." Faydrel exaggerated with a small flourish of her hands and a small dip of her chin. She moved away from the line, allowing the pretty red-head to go ahead of her, and skirted around where Desmond was standing with a soft chuckle escaping her at the mentioning of pirates bringing sweets instead of axes. "Oh Dezzy, a pirate would much rather have a bit of fun between the sheets than bring you sweet confections." Faydrel cooed lightly to the man, refusing to allow him the upper hand over her.


"And you really ought to pay attention when pretty girls have already introduced themselves, you never know when one will rob you blind. How else will you hunt them down?" She spoke in a slight teasing tone as she nudged the other lightly against his shoulder and another added wink.


"Faydrel Lovell, darling. Don't you dare forget it."

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Xha'li nodded and smiled at Tyriont, "Of course," he said, "if he'll show me to the ships' infirmary I'll take a look at it whenever he wants...early morning excepted as I'm still not able to get up much before noon."  After he finished speaking he steps aside to let K'ahrue take her turn negotiating passage.

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Concentrating on forcing the flush of heat from his face after that fun in the sheets remark, Desmond replied as coolly as he could manage, "My apologies. I don't believe I could forget even if I wanted to, Fay."


He could be familiar too if she wanted. The fact that no one had called him Dezzy since before he could grow a beard reminded him that these people didn't know who he was. It was a pleasant thought. 


"It seems I have much to learn about the sea, Lady." he said, unconsciously slipping back into the deeply engrained etiquette. "I am sure I can learn quickly with such a savvy and lovely influence. Desmond Aryll is my full name. Dezzy will do." That last bit sounded awkward coming from his own lips. Awkward but not disagreeable he realized.


"Just one thing, please let me know if I am too bold but, you are very fair for a sailor, are you not, Lady Fay?" It was his turn to raise raise an eyebrow to her.

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Faydrel slipped away from Desmond and moved her way back to the railing of the moving ship, skirting around one of the members of the crew in the process. The young woman leaned lightly against the said railing as she lowered her pack from her shoulders and against her booted feet. "I find that most people have a hard time forgetting about little ole me." She joked lightly with a small added chuckle. She had more than a few people she had swindled in the past that would have liked nothing more than shove her overboard into the deep, dark, drink.


As compliments were dished out in her direction the smile never left her lips as she stretched her arms over her head. "You treat the sea well and she'll will treat you well." She commented as her lightly tanned arms hooked behind her neck. "But I suppose I could give you some private lessons, Dezzy." Faydrel teased lightly as she glanced towards the rest of the line of passengers. The male Miqo'te from before had worked some kind of deal, something with the infirmary from what she observed. Her attentions were then torn away from the passenger and captain and back onto the fellow Midlander before her.


"Just Fay will do. Lady sounds too proper." She joked aloud, but honestly it was due to the fact it reminded her a little too much of her earlier years within the empire. "And I do not mind my men to be bold, Dezzy." Faydrel continued with that sly smirk still on her lips. "Now are you speaking of my supple skin or of my natural beauty?" She added as her arms unhooked from around her neck and held her lightly tanned arms out.


"I've spent most of my sailing experience out on the Sea of Jade, though for the last few months in the north-eastern region." She commented with a slight kick of her pack to show an unstrung bow strapped to the pack to suggest Gridania as a part of recent travels.

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"Fay then," Desmond conceded, following her over to the railing, "I meant whichever you prefer, or both. I confess that my idea of a sailor doesn't look like, well, you."


He gave her a sidelong glance. She reminded Desmond of the women in the plays he read as a boy. She was ethereally beautiful, like some benevolent fairy. Except the only thing fragile about her was her sense of decorum.


It was then that he realized he had been at the railing for some time now without getting a cold shiver run down his back. It was a welcome revelation.


"Anything you can share with me about the sea I would be grateful for, Fay." His red eyes scanning the horizon. "I've much to learn still."

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-The speaking of pirates made her a little green under her eyes, her ears tilted back trying to ignore the talk about them. Finally seeing Xhi'li move she looked up to the captain from her small stature. She nearly dropped her pouch as she stepped forward leaning her axe on her shoulder careful not to hit Monty behind her as she spilled the contents into her palm and held out a pile of gill in her palm as she offered it up to the Captain. Looking roughly about 1000 Gil. 


"Is this enough?"


Frankly this was her first travel alone, usually her traveling companions babied her with the details. Her bangs slightly covered her right odd white iris as she look so naive and innocent regardless of the thick layer of armor. She moved naturally in it though as she smiled a little hoping she wasn't offering to little. She didn't have much to offer, but from her act many would never guess her actual skill with the large axe. Though she moved the weighted thing like it weighed nothing but a chocobo feather.-

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-The speaking of pirates made her a little green under her eyes, her ears tilted back trying to ignore the talk about them. Finally seeing Xhi'li move she looked up to the captain from her small stature. She nearly dropped her pouch as she stepped forward leaning her axe on her shoulder careful not to hit Monty behind her as she spilled the contents into her palm and held out a pile of gill in her palm as she offered it up to the Captain. Looking roughly about 1000 Gil. 


"Is this enough?"


Frankly this was her first travel alone, usually her traveling companions babied her with the details. Her bangs slightly covered her right odd white iris as she look so naive and innocent regardless of the thick layer of armor. She moved naturally in it though as she smiled a little hoping she wasn't offering to little. She didn't have much to offer, but from her act many would never guess her actual skill with the large axe. Though she moved the weighted thing like it weighed nothing but a chocobo feather.-


Tyriont smiled softly at the girl, noting how easily she carried around that huge axe of hers. Oh, how deceiving appearances can be, he thought with a slight chuckle.


"Aye, lass. That'll do just fine assuming you know how to cave a skull in with that axe you're carting around if we run into any trouble. Not that I'm expecting any, mind. Still, more the merrier, eh? Welcome aboard." He waved her aside and signaled for the next person to approach. As he did so, a cry came out from the Hyur woman he had earlier identified as Hana.


"We be underway, ladies! Man yer stations, we'll be arriving at Limsa before the bell strikes midnight!"

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At a signal from a redheaded Elezen Xha'li followed her below decks, catching the captains claim that they'd arrive before midnight as he descended the steps.  Arriving at the ships infirmary he set his pack down by the door, he gestured towards his patient who they'd picked up on the way and said, "Get up on that table so I can get a better look at your eye."



[align=center]FADE TO BLACK[/align]



Emerging back on deck Xha'li took a deep breath of fresh sea air.  The Seekers eye was a total loss, but he was able to prevent any major scar tissue from forming, as well as getting the skin and muscles to loosen up preventing future pain and soreness.  With another deep breath to clear the last clinging scents of medicine from his nose he went over to the railing and sat down, dangling his legs along the side of the ship.

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“Half” she almost snorted. “I’m sure you’re better than that. Plus you give me that feeling thatyour word is worth something to you.”  Givinghim a smile she turned her attention to the captain who had his hand was now outstretched in front of her. “Captain, I believe this will cover my passage and if you have a bottle of wine tucked somewhere there might be more.”  She dropped a pouch with heavy clink in hishand. “One thousand seems to be the going rate unless you want to negotiate a reduced cost due to use of my services” she said indicating nodding towards her harp and bow.


Siuane, turned and watched the dark haired man who hadspoken up for her earlier.  He wasattempting to hold his own with a blonde woman. 

The man was losing but keeping up a good fight.  He’s got spirit she thought.  Taking a moment to look at the woman shethought, it’s already a lost fight.  Ehby the twelve I’ve got nothing better to do for the moment and she strode over to the opposite side of the man.



“It’s Desmond, am I right? I wanted to tell you thank youfor speaking up for me. “

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Monty stared after the woman - Si, he thought, easy enough to remember - a moment, still uneasy over her words. He supposed he would be keeping full watch on her, if only to make sure she didn't try anything. He sighed again. All he'd wanted was passage to Limsa, was that so much to ask?


Shaking his head he stepped up to the Captain, fishing a small purse from his coat as he did. He wanted to squirm as the man's attention fell on him, but knew better than to show weakness to his type. Monty held no ill will toward privateers, but the dance you had to do around them to avoid a blade in the back could be a bit tiresome.


"Eight h-hundred," he said, holding out the pouch. "Half now, the other half provided I'm, um, not dead by trip's end. I was in the Navy, in... hah, in another life. If you need a, uh... a spare deckhand, just say the word."

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-Walked a bit away, her ears turning to listen as she looked out across the water. Of course from the safety of inner ship. Her hands carefully placed her axe along her back. Keeping her hands free, and her tail always seemed to tick for balance. She felt the saunter of green leaving her cheeks as she settled to stand against a wall, and admiring the beauty of the water. 


Her mind seemed to wonder and distract from the fear that ebbed at the back of the small Miqo'te's mind. Her armor fell silent with the lack of her movement, as she found a bit of peace for that moment. Her fingers where before her still holding onto her satchel where she had just barely managed to stuff her pouch into.-

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Desmond was scanning the horizon, and concentrating on the perpetually roiling water, the low roar drowning down the boisterousness of the crew when a familiar voice spoke up beside him.



It’s Desmond, am I right? I wanted to tell you thank you for speaking up for me.“ She flicked her tail, punctuating her remark and smiled. It was the female Miqo'te from the rowboat, up close Desmond could appreciate how pretty she was.



'Why is it that pretty girls always bring out the boy in me?' he lamented to himself.


After a moment Desmond composed himself and returned the smile, "It was my pleasure, miss -..." he realized he didn't know here name. He cocked his head and glanced at the harp underneath her arm, slender fingers arched as they rested on the smooth wood. "Are you as an accomplished singer as you are a threat to rowers, miss?..." he asked her quizzically.

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“It’s T’Siuane Raih’li but that is such a mouthful, most justsay Siuane or just Si. As for singing, most appreciate my abilities. That man did not quite appreciate my need to catch this ship.” 



Siuane looked over at the blonde hyur woman. “But where aremy manners, it is Fay is it not?”  Shemade a small bow. “I’m not interrupting anything am I? The sea is beautiful but a little conversation is always nice and the rest of our compatriots seem quiet”


"Now all we need is a little something to eat and drink."

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Glancing over his shoulder Xha'li saw K'ahrue back in the middle of the ship.  Figuring she was still uncomfortable at sea he decided to take his advise from earlier and try to strike up a conversation to distract her.  Jumping back onto his feet he made his way over to her completely at ease with the sway of the Flame before sitting down by her and saying with a grin, "K'ahrue right?  That's a Seeker tribal name right?"

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Tyriont regarded Monty curiously. He wondered how this nervous wreck of a man could ever have set foot aboard a ship before, let alone been any kind of sailor. Still, he'd seen his share of poor traumatized sods in his time, could be any of a number of things that'd stolen the man's guts.


"Done, lad. Don't worry, I ain't planning on anyone dying before the trip's out. Got a route that's away from where the rest of...where the pirates tend to prey, should be a simple enough trip. Like I said, only a few hours. What can go wrong, eh?" He smiled warmly, trying to be encouraging. "Next up!"

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-Found her name pulling her from her lost in thought face and looked up towards Xha'li, then slowly nodded. Her tail curled shyly around her legs as she sat there.




Her ears tilted forward slightly as she wasn't used to converting with people outside of her tribe. She tilted her head slightly. Though she had never seen a Keep before she noted his feature being different from other Miqo'te she seen before.


"Are you a Keeper?"

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"I am," Xha'li said, his tail waving back and forth so it was briefly visible over either shoulder. "Xha'li, third son of Xha Moui retired adventurer at your service."  Grinning and revealing his fangs he continued, "Fresh out of the tribe I take it?  Hope it was under better circumstances then how I left last harvest."

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