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Hey there everyone! Before I start, I just want to let you all know - I'm a complete idiot when it comes to RP! There, I said it.


While I've been vidya gaming and MMO'ing since I was a wee sprout, my RP experience is limited at best. I messed around with it in RO, never really serious. On especially  boring nights, I would foray into Goldshire and Stormwind on Moonguard to watch the spectacles (and there were always spectacles). While I understand the concept behind RP and how it's done, I haven't the slightest clue as to how to apply any of my knowledge of it in-game. Anyway! I have a lot of work to do in that regards, but I'll do my best!


A little bit about me, I'm a hermit female living in Philadelphia, who spends way too much time playing video games and watches way too much anime. I'm new to FFXIV - I signed up for the beta and got in on Phase 2, but didn't play till phase 3, har! I'll be playing on Balmung with a few friends from WoW who are definitely not RPers. To be honest, I had absolutely no intention of ever RPing but once I played through some of the beta I felt like I was absolutely wasting this game if I didn't RP in such a fabulous world! I like to write a lot, so I figured I'd try my hand at it for once.


Wow I talk a lot. Anyway, that's it I guess... Hopefully I'll get my act together by OB so I don't embarrass myself in front of the vets. Wish me luck!

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Good luck and welcome!


I am the same. I always played the FF games but this was the first entry in the series where I could insert myself into the world and get feedback. What a revelation! :P


Hope you find a place on this site as well as in game.


PS, what did you think of Sword Art Online if you watched it?

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Ah jeez, RO. I actually really loved that game and it was one of my first MMO's I played. Actually my second, my first being Phantasy Star Online on the Dreamcast. 


I literally just started RPing last year at the release of GW2 and fell in love with it. I know I messed up sometimes (like using someones name that had not told me it yet, but I just read it above their head xD), but luckily I had a great group that showed me the ropes. The community here is also very friendly and I am sure they will help you ease right on in. If you have any questions feel free to ask myself or post a topic. 



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Hey there and welcome to the forum! I hope you have fun here and you can find loads of information and help on the forum about RPing and such. There is a great handbook and a mentor program that will help you with all that, should you feel the need to use them. Any questions or advice you need, the people on this forum are more than happy to help you out. Hope to see you around! :3

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RPing takes practice! The more you do it, the more comfortable you will get in your character's skin. :) Sometimes just diving right in at an event or a gathering you stumble upon is the best way to get your feet wet, sometimes watching for awhile and easing your way into things works better. The moment will present itself, and you'll be a pro in no time.


If you have any questions about how RP looks on XIV, Balmung in particular (the various styles you'll encounter, etc), check out the RP handbook or just shoot me a PM!

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I highly doubt you are an "idiot" when it comes to RP. All it takes is time and practice. I really think you took a step in the right direction with joining this community. The people here are very knowledgeable and helpful.

My best advice would be to just jump in, who knows, you might just have fun. :)


I hope you didn't pick up any "rp techniques" from Moonguard or anything else for that matter. I kid.

 On a serious note, I hope you enjoy it here.

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Wah! Thank you everyone for the kind welcomes. m(_ _)m


Welcome Edda~


I played RO too! What server did you play on?

I'm a complete novice to RPing, but everyone here has been really nice and helpful when I'd ask question or for help. So don't worry too much and ask away.


I actually played on a private server, LLRO, for the longest time, since I was too poor for the monthly fee iRO had at the time... :blush:


PS, what did you think of Sword Art Online if you watched it?


Haha, you'll find in time it's much easier to assume I've seen an anime than ask if I have... Sword Art Online was pretty, well-animated and had good music. They handled the MMO aspects of it pretty well and it was enjoyable in that regard. However, I have absolutely nothing nice to say about the plot and characters, as they are overly cliche and way too self-inserty. I'm a pretty harsh judge when it comes to anime, though.


If you have any questions about how RP looks on XIV, Balmung in particular (the various styles you'll encounter, etc), check out the RP handbook or just shoot me a PM!


Thanks so much! I might just do that. :D

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Welcome to the community! ^^ There are many people new to roleplaying here on the forums too so no need to worry. As for myself, I'm kiiiiiinda new but I am still as terrible at it as I was when I started =w= I'll always be around to make even the worst RP'ers look fantastic, nyaha.


In seriousness though, I'm sure you'll do great ^^ I look forward to possibly reading your tags in the future!

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