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Rping on Gilgamesh? -Proposal- Trade Exchange Program

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Alright lets face it, those of us who are going to Gilgamesh know that we are going to be playing with a pretty aggressive progression community.We also know that the majority of our recruiting is going to be directly from the server itself. One of the main issues of many non roleplayers is that roleplayers take so much time roleplaying that they do not learn the game.


So I am proposing a trade exchange.  A trade exchange on the basis of trading teaching roleplay to those who are interested in it from the progression based communities in exchange for getting direct tips to improve our own player skill overall as a group. I myself am -very- guilty of "roleplaying so much as to not learn the game". I personally believe that such a thing would help improve relations between those who feel in such a way towards roleplayers. I'd also like anyone who is part of one of these more progression communities to point to where would be the best place to go to be able to initiate something like this basically informing those from these communities that we would be interested in exchanging our knowledge of roleplaying for their knowledge of progressive based gameplay. This time around I'd like to overall get better at the mmo that I am playing as a whole being that roles are very important in the game.


I'd like to know how my fellow Gilgamesh goers feel about this (though comments from anyone no matter where you are heading would be welcome. All I ask is keep your comments on the topic please). If anyone can point me in the right direction on who to speak to regarding any community leaders and the like please do so. Please invite anyone to this thread from these communities so we can have a discourse on the subject as I'd like to hear it from the other side.


Those who have recently come to the site and are new to rp, but are part of one of these communities I'd really like for one of you to chime in as your feedback is vital.


How do you my fellow Gilgameshers feel about such a proposal and would you be willing to participate? I think by being proactive and trying to meet them halfway might be a good thing to help ease the tension that some may have when playing alongside roleplayers. I also think it would bring down the chances and occurances of trolling. "Oh those roleplayer guys? Leave them alone their cool, they play right along with us and can hang with us in other parts of the game".


Besides you know those guys are going to make some damn good crafted items. -Ahem-


Let me know what you think.

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A One of the main issues of many non roleplayers is that roleplayers take so much time roleplaying that they do not learn the game.


How I feel is that this is a horrible misconception and the real main issue is that many non roleplayers believe it's true.


Of course it's true for some people, but I believe it's actually a minority or RPers. Most people I've RPed with over the years have been endgame connoisseurs or at least fast learners who ended up raiding or or pvping or at least running dungeons and teacher non-RPers a thing or too. I've been in a couple RP guilds who ere among the top progression guilds of their servers, too.


YMMV, I guess.

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A One of the main issues of many non roleplayers is that roleplayers take so much time roleplaying that they do not learn the game.


How I feel is that this is a horrible misconception and the real main issue is that many non roleplayers believe it's true.


Of course it's true for some people, but I believe it's actually a minority or RPers. Most people I've RPed with over the years have been endgame connoisseurs or at least fast learners who ended up raiding or or pvping or at least running dungeons and teacher non-RPers a thing or too. I've been in a couple RP guilds who ere among the top progression guilds of their servers, too.


YMMV, I guess.

I have to agree with this. Most RPers I have met in many games balance gameplay with RP and those that RP more than they play are always knowledgeable enough about the game to play said game well. A lot of great RPers I've met strive to be as good as they can be at the actual game simply BECAUSE of that stereotype and for the express purpose of proving that RPers can play the game or PvP.

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Well then, since so many roleplayers these days actually bother to play the game they're staging their roleplay in (personally if I don't like the game enough to learn to play it, I'd rather just roleplay on a forum somewhere), perhaps we could try something different. I think it might serve the community better for those people to volunteer to teach those few who roleplay a bit too much and don't learn the game.

Then those folks can pay it forward by doing PvE/PvP stuff with non-roleplayers, thus mitigating the stereotype.


Meanwhile, if we weren't already generally welcoming of folks who have a budding interest in roleplay, then we should be. That's actually how I got my start--I was a PvPer and progression raider in WoW about seven years ago when someone coaxed me onto an RP server and showed me the ropes. I knew several other people who were interested in progression with just a touch of roleplay on the side.


If that's the aim, then a post about it on an official server forum may draw some interest from that crowd.

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I believe that there will be enough people who balance RP and game play that if someone in our server needs help that we will be able to freely give it without problem. I am ofcourse not saying that we need to be self contained (Maybe self sufficient?), but I do not believe that fellow RPers will find it a problem to learn the game and vise versa, fellow non-RPers will not have any problem with grouping a long with any RPers.

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This seems like a pretty difficult initiative. It's easy enough to interest a progression-oriented player in role-playing between raids, but the community surrounding progression tends to be a lot more sink-or-swim.


I think what you're looking for here, Rock, is a major raiding guild with a few good members who also enjoy roleplay, and is willing to share strategies for cutting edge content, not really out of obligation, but through the connections we foster to these guilds, via the members we get to know, (or by inserting members of this community who like raiding into those guilds).


When we know who they're raiding with, we can go up to the leaders of these guilds and say, "hey, we've been getting along really well with your guys, and they tell me you've recently cleared boss x, who we've been wiping on. I don't suppose you'd mind helping us out by explaining the strat?"


A lot of progression-types are happy to do this, even on cut-throat servers. They do this because it makes them feel good, in the same way teaching new roleplayers makes us feel good. You play on their ego a little bit, and they're usually ready to spill the beans, particularly if the people they're sharing the info with aren't really a competitor, in terms of the race to kill all bosses.


But unless you find an entire progression guild that wants to try RP out, leaders and all, they're not terribly likely to view what we're offering them in a "trade" as useful or valuable. This is pretty much as ArmaichiA said it.




One other thing we can do, really, is teach each other. Being a decent raider is mostly just browsing message boards, watching youtubes of boss kills, and maybe busting out windows calc now and then to make sure your crit/attack/hit ratio is ideal for the boss. I've been a raidnerd for years, Rock, so if you want to run with me up the instance ladder, I think we'd have a grand ol' time of it.

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In all my years in MMOs, I've only ever come across one player who RPed so exclusively that they didn't know how to play their class. It irritates me when that stereotype is thrown around because I've found it to be extremely rare. Personally, I wouldn't RP in a game that I didn't also enjoy playing, and playing well, in its own right.


Helping non-RPers learn to RP sounds like a great idea; I'm just unsure whether an outright trade would work. If you want to improve how you play, I'd echo what Yeldir has said and read, watch videos, etc. That's how I learned to play my classes in WoW.

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I believe I've seen some LS's or FC's on this very site that claim desire for both RP and end-game progression. Perhaps they'd be interested in this?


My long experience however has been that people who are interested in RP will either just try it or contact a RPer themselves. Many who roll on RP servers "for the atmosphere" enjoy the added immersive chatter of RPers around them (it's like having more NPC's spouting lines, except those lines form an actual conversation, I guess) but won't RP themselves.


I also believe the RPC is already very open to those wanting to learn as it is.


Anyways, I think this is a good idea on paper (or on forum), but I'm not too sure how well it would work out, to be honest.

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