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Hi, everyone!


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Hello, everyone!  I just wanted to extend a nice greeting, and I look forward to seeing and interacting with many of you in the coming month.  (I'll likely be starting on Gilgamesh, even though I had a character on Balmung.)


Anyways, I guess I'll answer the little welcome questions:


--MMORPG Background

My first ever exposure to an MMORPG was with Ragnarok Online back in 2002 or 2003 (i think!).  Although I didn't play it for too terribly long, the genre itself really grabbed me right away.  Not long after, I began playing Final Fantasy XI... an easy choice, as I've always loved the series.  I played this on and off until the past year.  I played (and still occasionally play/RP in) World of Warcraft, but the world itself doesn't do as much for me.  I have a very relaxed attitudes towards MMORPGs  and games in general.  I enjoy taking the time to smell the roses, meet people, RP, and go at my own pace.


--Character Ideas

I don't wish to go into a ton of detail about this right away, but my character (Lucindea Ysabel, Hyur Midlander) is a healer, loves helping and taking care of others, somewhat quiet and lady-like, but loves to explore and see new places.  She's very friendly and approachable, and I largely take many of her traits from my own personality.


--How did you learn about the coalition?

From searching on Google!


--What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy?

Medium to heavy!  I'm pretty much always in character in-game, though that doesn't mean I'm against discussing day to day life, too out of character.


--Anything from real life you're comfortable with sharing? (Work, school, hobbies, etc)

I work full-time doing all sorts of things at a small company.. designing documents, graphics, writing manuals, and so forth.  I love to be creative!  Photography and music are two passions of mine.  Landscape/Wildlife photography and Piano/Classical Guitar to be specific.  I also love to read and write, of course.

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Hello, everyone!  I just wanted to extend a nice greeting, and I look forward to seeing and interacting with many of you in the coming month.  (I'll likely be starting on Gilgamesh, even though I had a character on Balmung.)


Anyways, I guess I'll answer the little welcome questions:


--MMORPG Background

My first ever exposure to an MMORPG was with Ragnarok Online back in 2002 or 2003 (i think!).  Although I didn't play it for too terribly long, the genre itself really grabbed me right away.  Not long after, I began playing Final Fantasy XI... an easy choice, as I've always loved the series.  I played this on and off until the past year.  I played (and still occasionally play/RP in) World of Warcraft, but the world itself doesn't do as much for me.  I have a very relaxed attitudes towards MMORPGs  and games in general.  I enjoy taking the time to smell the roses, meet people, RP, and go at my own pace.


--Character Ideas

I don't wish to go into a ton of detail about this right away, but my character (Lucindea Ysabel, Hyur Midlander) is a healer, loves helping and taking care of others, somewhat quiet and lady-like, but loves to explore and see new places.  She's very friendly and approachable, and I largely take many of her traits from my own personality.


--How did you learn about the coalition?

From searching on Google!


--What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy?

Medium to heavy!  I'm pretty much always in character in-game, though that doesn't mean I'm against discussing day to day life, too out of character.


--Anything from real life you're comfortable with sharing? (Work, school, hobbies, etc)

I work full-time doing all sorts of things at a small company.. designing documents, graphics, writing manuals, and so forth.  I love to be creative!  Photography and music are two passions of mine.  Landscape/Wildlife photography and Piano/Classical Guitar to be specific.  I also love to read and write, of course.

Welcome to the site! Feel free to ask any questions. If you decide to start on Gilgamesh hope to see you at the events!

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Welcome to the party! If you have any questions, grab any of the people in this thread, or check out the excellent mentor thread sticky.


If you like Skype chats, we've got a massive OOC Gilgamesh skype group for idle-chit-chat, planning, and the like, Rock or myself can hook you up with that. We're all looking forward to smelling the roses with you.

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Welcome!! What can be said that hasn't all ready been said? Well firstly, I love meeting characters who spend most of their in-game time in-character. I do drop mine in some cases (PvP, PvEing), but for the most part if someone approaches me I always oblige the roleplay goodness! Secondly, your name is heavenly - and now I just want to see what your character looks like. :bouncy:

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