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Beta Phase 3 Updates


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((Courtesy of FF14News.com))


update 1: The 30FPS cap has been lifted. People are reporting getting 75FPS in game.


Beta phase 3 is about to begin. Reports of the betas changes should start coming in from testers over the coming hours. But first Square Enix has released some more details about what has changed in this new phase of the beta. Check it out after the break.


One quick note before diving into the version update details. The FFXIV Configuration Utility (old one here) has been updated to include a few more options. One of the notable changes is the addition of Gamepad configuration for Macro (ALT) and (CTRL), so it sounds like weâll have a macro system similar to FFXI.




"Linkshells" have been added.




Linkshells are community groups that can be created by any player using an item also known as a linkshell, which can be purchased from the NPC A'shakkal at the Drowning Wench, the Adventurers' Guild in Limsa Lominsa. When you have equipped a linkpearl (the communication device created by a linkshell), the corresponding linkshell crest will be displayed beside your display name.


The following adjustments and additions have been made to the guildleve system:


* New regional guildleves have been added.

* Adjustments have been made to the difficulty level and rewards for regional levequests.

* The amount of skill points that characters gain through levequests will be far more than what they gain through attacking monsters on the field.

* Local levequests have been reinstated.

* With the reinstatement of local levequests, the NPC T'mokkri has returned to her post at the Drowning Wench.

* New local guildleves have been added.

* Players will now obtain "guild marks" upon a successful completion of a levequest.

* Each class will receive guild marks corresponding to their class. This currency can then be traded to a specific NPCs for various types of rewards.

* The amount of guild marks players currently possess can be verified via the "Currency" option located within the Inventory menu.

* A message and sound effect will now play upon a successful completion of a quest.


A section for completed quests has been added to the Journal.


The cast timer for Return and Teleport has been removed.

Players will now be immediately teleported once they select their destination.


The countdown timer for logging out has been removed.

Players will now log out immediately once they select the "Log Out" option.




The following classes have been added:


* Disciple of the Land - Fisher

* Disciple of the Hand - Armorer, Goldsmith, Alchemist, and Culinarian




The following changes have been made to the how characters toggle between Passive / Active modes:


* Characters will automatically toggle to Active mode if they attack an enemy while in Passive mode

* Characters will automatically toggle to Passive mode if they speak to an NPC while in Active mode


New abilities and spells have been added.


Players will be able to select either a single target or an area effect when casting certain spells.


An animation effect will now be displayed when a character's physical level increases.


Changes have been made to the attack animations and the animation effect for when an attack successfully lands on a character.


The KO penalty has been decreased from 5 minutes to 3 minutes.




The following additions have been made to the synthesis system:


* New abilities have been added.

* New recipes have been added.


The following changes and additions have been made to the gathering system:


* The fisher class will be able to use the actions "Fish" and "Spearfish."

* New abilities have been added.

* New gathering points have been added and locations of existing gathering points have been adjusted.

* New pieces of equipment have been added.


Various new items have been added.


The goods stocked by vendor NPCs have been adjusted.




New options have been added to the character creation process.




The main menu can now be opened by clicking on the system menu icon.


Page scrolling has been added to the Inventory menu.


Additional icons that represent moon phases and the weather have been added to the server latency widget.




Certain NPCs have been given a unique chat window.




The following changes and additions have been made to the party recruitment system:


* Players will be able to join a party without changing classes, as long as they meet the recruitment conditions.

* Players will be able to send party invites to a player in another area, as long as they are in the same region.


The following changes and additions have been made to the map feature:


* The scrolling speed of the map has been improved.

* "Eorzea" has been added to the map list.


"Macros" has been added to the Configuration sub-menu.

With macros, players will be able to execute multiple actions with one command.


Text commands have been added.

Entering a text command starting with the "/" key allows players to change equipment, use abilities, and perform other various actions. During the Beta Test, "/action" will execute the specified action, "/equipaction" will equip the action in the specified slot, and "/equip" will equip the item in the specified gear slot.


The auto-translate feature has been added.

Players can utilize this feature by pushing the Tab key while in chat mode. The tool will automatically complete a partially input word, as well as translate the word to the language indicated in the viewing playerâs language settings.




The chat modes "/linkshell" and "/echo" has been added.


* Any message input in the linkshelll chat mode can be seen only by a linkshell member.

* Any message input in the echo chat mode can be seen only by the player entering the command.


Players will now be able to switch their default chat mode.

Players can switch their chat mode by entering the text command "/chatmode," followed by the corresponding chat mode.


Certain changes have been made to keyboard and mouse controls.

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In other news Fileplanet is handing out invites to paying subscribers. If you have a few bucks to spare' date=' try your luck... paid off for me! ^^[/quote']


I would like to add "The FilePlanet beta keys for FINAL FANTASY XIV are for North American residents only"



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