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The Rise and Fall of the White Raven

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So this just popped across my twitter.  I read the whole thing, and after reading it, decided I wanted to share it (since I didn't see anything on the subject here already).  




It answered quite a few questions I had, though I still have more.  ^_^


Edited to Add: Actually, this probably belongs in the sticky I just saw above. But I don't know how to move it there. If a moderator could, that would be amazing.

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Yeah this is a great read, long but that is necessary to detail all of it properly. I would advise everyone to read the whole thing when you get a chance. It goes over the events from 1.0 up to present where we start our adventures in A Realm Reborn. Even if you played 1.0 it is a great wrap-up :thumbsup:


Edit: Well technically not to "present" it goes to when the 5 year time-skip happens, in which afterwards we begin.

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This has made me so sad.


I didn't play 1.0 so I didn't get to witness the story. This write up has made it sound amazing. I feel as though I've missed so much from reading this!


Oh well. All the more reason to get stuck in and involved now. No more missing out for this! I'd also echo the notion of this being stickied! It's a very useful read. :)

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Wow, that's incredibly interesting -- especially the part about the Garlean Empire being only about 55 years old. That's an impressive record of conquest in such a short time.

Only with the way its generals are acting, it will probably end like Alexander the Great's empire. I second a now deceased spy in saying, "are they seriously trying again?!" And I mean that in terms of tring to conquer Eorzea.

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One of the things I appreciated most (though the whole thing was amazing) was learning a little about Gaius Van Baelsar, who is seemingly the main villain for now. I like that there is some depth to his character, that it's more than just 'I work for the evil empire and therefore am evil'.


Some of the most interesting villains are the ones who are completely convinced of their righteousness.

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Some of the most interesting villains are the ones who are completely convinced of their righteousness.


You don't have to work hard to be convinced when you're right!


Hail to the empire!


Exactly!  And let's face it - nothing is more terrifying than a zealot.  Because when people are convinced of their righteousness, they will sacrifice just about anything to achieve their goals.

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Exactly!  And let's face it - nothing is more terrifying than a zealot.  Because when people are convinced of their righteousness, they will sacrifice just about anything to achieve their goals.


Garlemald will deliver us all from the devastation of the Primals! They are our only hope! Stand with the Empire and His Radiance or die with the Beastmen!

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