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Annaveil's Signature Shop! [Hooray! Free stuff!]


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Hey guys! I love making signatures and fancy graphic thingies. I especially love making them when the theme revolves around something I'm hyping over (*coughffxivcough*). I don't claim to be a professional or anything like that. It's just a hobby and this sort of stuff helps me get better. :)


Anyway. I did this for Guild Wars 2 while waiting on it to release, and I figured I'd do it here to pass the time! I realize head start is in two days but at least this'll give me something to do until then. :)


Right now the only example I have is my own signature + the ones I've done so far, but I'll post more as I do them. They typically take me anywhere from 30 minutes to a couple of hours to make so I should be able to get quite a few done!














On to the slots and request form!


Oh and if it wasn't clear, this is all free! No compensation (except possibly cookies...) is required!


No more requests are being taken at this time. Check back later!





Waiting List: CLOSED! No more requests will be taken until I finish the ones on the list. :) Thanks!


I don't want to make my list more than 3 long at the moment. If your name isn't up here, I can't guarantee your request will be met! :( I will try my best to get to everyone who wants something!

1. Fibril Nuhn

2. Kyatai


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Count me in! I would say something with a carbuncle would be awesome. There is always the pic Abai drew on my Wiki, but if there is another Carbuncle or a mix of carbuncles that strike your fancy go for it.

size: ? whatever yours is?


also, if there are a bunch of other people in line and you want, just P.M. me with some fun tips for making sigs. (as you can see my first attempt was just tossing some text on either side of the Survival poster. I would like to do more/much better sigs in the future)


Thanks! have a moogle.gif moogle!

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Character screenshot(s): 


Just the head portion if you want to put more it's fine ^^

Color theme you'd like to stick to: I really like the black and white scheme. If not light colors are also fine

Size: 650x150

Matching avatar?: Yes, though I'm not entirely sure what this means


Text you want on it:

Specific font?: Whichever you think is best.


Anything else?: "The time you feel lonely is the time you most need to be by yourself. Life's cruelest irony."


Anything to inspire me? Keru is an adventurer and writer, so if that gives you any idea, he also likes sunshine.

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Here you go Keru! :) This was a neat one to make for me for some reason.


And just so everyone else knows, a "matching avatar" is just me taking a 150x150 snippet of your signature so that you can use it as an avatar if you like! Alternatively, if you supply me with more than one screenshot I can use that in the avatar instead of a copy of the signature.





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Oooh Oooh Oooh! I'd love a banner!




Character screenshot(s): http://i.imgur.com/oZePOGA.jpg


Color theme you'd like to stick to: Something mellow/dark? Greens, blues, purples? I trust you!

Size: 650x150 is fine!

Matching avatar?: Umm... sure!


Text you want on it:

It's a sin with a name -

No remorse and no shame -

Fire, fury and flame -


Specific font?: I trust you!


Anything else?: Hmm.... nope!


Anything to inspire me? Hmm.... Well these are Adriel's two theme songs:



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Character screenshot(s): Garryson_zps70d3bbbd.jpg




( I know this one isn't a character shot, but if you could somehow put this symbol in I would greatly appreciate it. If not don't sweat it. )


Color theme you'd like to stick to: Black/White/Gray/Pale Blue ( You can check out my XI:7 site for the general color scheme)


Size: 650 x 150


Matching avatar?: Y


Text you want on it: It Is The 11th Hour. Rise and Claim Destiny.


Specific font?: Nope


Anything else?: My character is all about gaining power and not letting it corrupt him. I don't know how that might effect your art, but I thought I'd throw it in. :lol:


Anything to inspire me?


This is my character's current theme song. It embodies his expanding influence as the head of XI:7.






This is an awesome thing you are doing! I can't wait to see what you can create for me.




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Glad that everyone's enjoying them! I'll keep this open until late Friday night. :) Once I get over my initial EEEEE of the game being out, I might reopen it!




*Dives into her pile of gratitude cookies!*

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Glad that everyone's enjoying them! I'll keep this open until late Friday night. :) Once I get over my initial EEEEE of the game being out, I might reopen it!




*Dives into her pile of gratitude cookies!*




Well, if you get bored, I might ask a tiny little tweak on the text on mine. I was at work and should have paid more attention to the lyrics I gave you. It's not the end of the world, though, so only if you feel like it. :D

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I definately want to get one of these done :D Is it alright if I get one using a piece of commisioned art?


I have no problems with it! I'd suggest making sure that it's okay with the original artist, since I'm essentially taking their artwork and chopping it up into something else. :) I think most people are fine with that, given the nature of the subject and whatnot but being courteous is never a bad thing.

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I definately want to get one of these done :D Is it alright if I get one using a piece of commisioned art?


I have no problems with it! I'd suggest making sure that it's okay with the original artist, since I'm essentially taking their artwork and chopping it up into something else. :) I think most people are fine with that, given the nature of the subject and whatnot but being courteous is never a bad thing.

Understandable then ^^ I will be back with the info! Please save me a spot! lol

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 Once I get over my initial EEEEE of the game being out, I might reopen it!


Yooou should certainly do this, beecaaause I desperately want one, but I lack a screenshot that actually encapsulates what Koyu is. Which is SLEEPY, SO I do hope you eventually reopen your services when I can give you something to work with... Caause my avatar makes him seem way more energetic then he is.


I Lurv what you're doing~!

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Aw thanks guys! That's very kind of you. I hate leaving people out because they're like me and always forget to take screenshots of their characters during betas. I'll definitely reopen it for you!


Just as a tip/reminder: Character Creator screenshots work fabulously! 

Even if the lighting is wonky or imperfect in some way, I can work with it and try to make it do right. Otherwise, I think benchmark screenshots are perfectly acceptable!

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