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Questions for Fighters


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I recently started thinking about RP fighting again while reading (and commenting) over another thread and something occurred to me. From what I understand here http://www.ffxivinfo.com/content/pvp.php 1v1 duels aren't something that's going to be happening. I could have read that wrong, but it basically looks like group arenas and large-scale BGs-- which I guess I should have assumed due to the lack of defined enemy 'factions' in the game that are playable.


Before I left WoW I made a friend who turned me onto text-based dueling, when previously, I was 100% against the very concept because of all the horrible experiences I've ever seen or experienced personally with the lack of communication or general agreement in how fights should play out.


I also remember on these forums there were plenty of people open to text-based fighting but not to taking wounds on their character-- which leads me to a few inquiries.


1. Is there anyone out there that's done any in-game (FFXIV, specifically) text-based fights so far? If so, no need to tell me with whom, but how did you handle it? Rolling? General discussion? Did any factors play into the fight such as class or level, for you?


2. Is there anyone that knows of a guild where text-based fights in the form of training are a common or scheduled occurrence? I imagine with the way things are in Eorzea that surely there are groups dedicating as much, if not more, time to training rather than just socializing and diplomacy.


3. In the event that there isn't an FC or LS that -does- focus at least in part in training/teaching, is there anyone out there who might be interested in starting something? Nothing with the intent of maiming or killing characters so much as general teaching and practice.


I like the idea of having specialist characters (such as a primary gladiator or archer) who get involved with others and teach as well as learn new skills over the course of RP. I also recall my friend being very disappointed at how few people were willing to do any combat RP whatsoever and treated any implication or outright request as some form of harassment rather than potential character development. I'd like to do more to explore in this area.


I should also mention that this isn't necessarily a thread to complain about how silly you think combat RP is in any form or fashion; you can feel free to but I'm afraid any derogatory comments on how others choose to handle things might get out of hand. I'm looking more for enlightenment and/or like-minded individuals for when the server issue is fixed.

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While we havn't done any YET, it's a possibility in Ul'dah Garden. HOnestly, though, I had planned to have Kira take trainees and students out into the field, and support them during fates, or killing big mobs, etc.


Text based stuff can be fun though, so it's not out of the question, if it's done right. If you want to talk more on it, feel free to PM me, as I'd love to hear what you have in mind more in depth!

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I've been thinking about this too. Being that the RP PvP is not really going to happen within the game's mechanics this seems like a great idea.


I'd totally be interested in text-based fights. It's a special kind of fun. I haven't actually done it inside a game before so I don't know how the whole Roll thing works.


Without a good relationship beforehand, it would be hard to avoid actual conflicts based on fighting prowess. I don't believe it's interesting for my character to be an all around badass. In fact I think having prevalent weaknesses makes for a much more interesting time.


As far as your questions, I haven't heard of anything in particular but it is something I'd like to pursue.


This + Rp'd nemeses sounds like a great time.

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While I haven't done any textfighting in FFXIV so far, I do have quite a bit of experience with it as it's the only way I'll fight anyone IC (just a personal preference of mine). I also don't RP by level in any situation because I feel limiting a character's ability to their level is unrealistic. But I could go on forever about my opinions on both of those topics and the technical stuff within them.


I'll generally textfight in three ways: one being complete spur-of-the-moment RP where nothing is discussed and I and the other person just have at it, two being rollduels where after each attack, both players /roll and the higher number either lands their attack or dodges/blocks it, and three being a situation where I and the other person /roll a single time before the fight starts to decide who will ultimately win, and then we RP out the fight itself like normal. In most cases I try to make an effort to discuss rules or terms OOC with the other person so as to avoid any arguments.


I would imagine that here it'd be no different than textfighting in any other MMO, however I haven't seen any kind of /roll commands in the game, so I'm not sure how people will choose to handle rollduels, if they're done at all.


On the subject of characters teaching each other, I'd be down for that. Textfighting is one of my favorite ways to really see how well a person can roleplay and/or write creatively. I don't know if my character would be ideal for teaching anybody, though, because he's far from masterful in any form of combat and I'm hoping to have him learn new things as he goes. If you're asking to teach people to textfight, though, I could absolutely do that. It's a tough thing to do well, and even tougher to do fairly.

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Originally, I'd planned to participate in establishing an FC called the Divine Aegis. I think, it'd be nice to find some fellows that Sio could bump into in some training area or another, and maybe put together an affiliation of teaching, learning, and sparring. So, if anyone's interested in pursuing this idea, my Skype name is Jilalde, or you can just PM me here. I might need to hear a bit more from you guys before I can solidify what I've got in mind.


On the matter of roll-based duels, basically in an effort to try and make the outcome fair (assuming the two people are of relatively equal levels of expertise) you -could- simply do a /roll after every single, open strike to see if the blow landed, and if so, to what severity. I sometimes favor having a certain number of 'achieved strikes' in order to make sure that we know when to say one or the other person has lost, but that's only during /roll duels. I know a lot of people have gone far more in depth; rolling initiative, accuracy, damage and having others roll for whether or not they survived the blow and a potential counter strike, much like in table top games. Becomes a bit difficult when you're not weighing in stats or extraneous abilities. Of course, when someone can heal, if they can heal freely, you might end up in a particularly long-lasting situation if they can't be stopped or interrupted. There may be more to this for different people, so hopefully more can comment on their preferred methods of handling /roll duels.

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I’ve had numerous text-based fights which often don’t play out so well for my character. Granted, he’s quite talented as an escape artist, and when the going gets tough his ability to find good hiding places is unmatched. But when there’s no way out it comes down to good communication.


I always talk to the opponent; often it’s been someone I know though it has worked several times before with strangers. We briefly assess the possible outcomes, by briefly I mean very briefly so we don’tlose the heat of the moment. But more importantly we discuss limitations; I’ve always found that to be the most important. Nothing worse than seeing “Bob brings down his sword upon Jeff’s hand; cutting it clean off” followed by “((Bugger off!))”


I do like to include a bit of risk to the situation, which is why I tend to add rolling into the mix of text (providing it's been agreed upon). We usually do this towards the end of the battle so that it doesn't turn into a series of *evade* and *blocks*.

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Great thread!


1) I haven't had any text fights (yet) with Zarek, though I imagine I'll see some sooner or later given that I know a few other gladiator/former gladiator characters (and with him being one) that I want to go a few RP rounds with. However, I think I'd take the class they were using at face value and just go along with whatever skill level they RP'd with for their character rather than actual ingame level.


2) Nope, I haven't seen or heard of one just yet (other than in this thread, so do post more info on them!), but I'd imagine as far as in Eorzea goes, there's always the pugilist guild and the Bloodsands/Coliseum in Ul'dah.


3) Do you mean like a potential fight club sort of thing? Or just for training specifically?


As for teaching, Zarek's still learning a lot (in my opinion anyway) so he's not really in a position to teach anyone, not that he'd IC-ly, have the temperament to do so anyway. But sparring, definitely always up for some of that. :D

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1. Is there anyone out there that's done any in-game (FFXIV, specifically) text-based fights so far? If so, no need to tell me with whom, but how did you handle it? Rolling? General discussion? Did any factors play into the fight such as class or level, for you?

When I do role-play fights, level never comes into play. I rather despise when people use game mechanics to determine a fight scenario. If someone is level 5 but is playing a person in full armour who is in his prime years, trained all his life vs someone who is level 50 and has never held a weapon before or never had a fight...you can't tell me that the 50 should auto win because s/he is 50.


Gear however, will come into play. Being kicked with plate armour is much different than being kicked with no shoes or with padded leather boots on. Also, shoving a dagger through heavy armour is much more difficult than it is through a thin cotton shirt.


Class will come into play based off of what you do: Puglists have a shorter range than a lancer..however, once you get up on a lancer - the puglists has the advantage. Though, most of the fights I am a part of : every class has advantages and disadvantages and I do not use game mechanics to guide what I do, I use the weapon that is being wielded. (Brass Knuckles are much different to fight against than a staff or polearm/lance)


If you are not comfortable with the way someone is handling a RP fight: step out. Nobody is forcing you to RP fight in a situation. Typically, when I fight I am very fair and I look for people who are going to be fair to me as well (no godmodding mostly) I have only once had to walk out on an RP fight but that was due to godmodding. Most the time, people are decent and nobody can kill your character or maim them without permission.


You are also in control of how wounded your character gets.

While people wont like it if you dodge everything, as that comes out boring for both parties I'm sure as well as will boardline the godmodding spectrum. You can half-dodge. An example of that is a friend once threw 4 daggers in throw at my character who was merely feet away: well, he wouldn't have been able to dodge at all but already had his hands partly raised. I had him pull his arms up defensively instantly upon seeing the woman flicking her wrist with the daggers so that they bore into the flesh of his forearms, one missing to the rock beside him, and the other grazing through his leather and lightly through his skin above his hip. To me, it was a fair compromise (also, said person was a friend of my character so he knew she'd not fight him farther, note: this is also not FF -- my guy is not in that kind of situation so soon!)



Healing: I do not use this in a fight, if someone heals themself in a fight as well - I am going to excuse my character and drop the fight. My character wouldn't fight against someone who is using heals in the way a game mechanic form works. If everyone used healing during a fight - the fight would never end. Healing afterward is a whole other thing.


2. Is there anyone that knows of a guild where text-based fights in the form of training are a common or scheduled occurrence? I imagine with the way things are in Eorzea that surely there are groups dedicating as much, if not more, time to training rather than just socializing and diplomacy.

While not in this game, I have been a part of training exercises in past games that were purely RP fights. Even if there is not a FC that is based upon fighting - I am sure there are a few people in every FC that are more than willing to train with your character.



3. In the event that there isn't an FC or LS that -does- focus at least in part in training/teaching, is there anyone out there who might be interested in starting something? Nothing with the intent of maiming or killing characters so much as general teaching and practice.

I am not a pro in any sort of fashion, I have never really done technical fighting in real life (10+ years ago I did karate but that does not count at all as I don't remember it...) but I can attempt to help and share my experiences and my style of fighting through roleplay if you are interested at some point. I attempt to be as realistic as possible while also taking into consideration the world in which the characters are in and what can be/is possible through it. Though, I am on Balmung server wise.

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While I have yet to endeavour into an in character fight on Final Fantasy XIV, I have participated in numerous role play altercations that were text centered in prior online games. From my experience, I will confidently state that the detrimental factor in the success of text centered role play altercations is proper out of character communication with the respective player.


It is important not debilitate oneself as a player by not speaking forth and expressing the parameters you wish to uphold. Remain open to presenting what you do not wish to occur in the altercation. It all simply reverts back to properly communicating out of character.


I personally encourage text centered altercations because it greatly challenges the player's creativity while also testing one's ability to perform the familiar give and take function all role players ought to place into practice. In turn, this promotes and encourages healthy balance within the community.

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I had a long post but the baby managed to delete it with his sticky little fingers.


Thank you all for the input, I very much appreciate it. I hope this gives anyone who has less text-based fighting experience a little insight on how different people's opinions vary on the subject.


Likewise, if you play on Balmung, and you're a reasonable individual maybe we could work out something 'like a fight club' that's more geared towards unorthodox, non-gambling sparring. 'Teaching' techniques or giving advice on a case by case basis. If I should be morally obligated to accept a level 1 'master-of-all-trades', I can appreciate them even more if they take a few minutes out of each week to give me a taste of how good they are with combat.

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