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Apothecary FC/LS


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Would anyone be interested in a fc and/or ls (or both) apothecary service? I was gonna call it narrow Branch Apothecary or somethhing like that.


Connected to that I had the idea of a veterinary service for our c hocobos. :) I'm a vet tech irl (even tho I work in a factroy right now). Since we can have our mounts out without being on them, I thought this could be a lot of fun.


Typing this on my phone that's why its messy.

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After thinking about it, this is most likely too restrictive and focused. I know there are more people than just me who play medical-oriented characters, so how about some sort of "gridanian medicalsociety"? This could be like Network of doctors and conjurors and even simple wise-women/men.

A place to come and share new ideas for treatments, showing off the new wonder_drug... and even snake-oil salesmen could sneak in to add some drama and conflict.


Not sure what I would call this, it could also encompass uldah and limsa for a international network.


If anyone has any other ideas please post them :)

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Hyltwakka is sitting down at the dock in Greatloam Growery right now, really liking this area for some RP, and I think I'd be up for the kind of stuff you mentioned. He could help with getting herbs, or even doing some minor conjurer-type-things.


I've been thinking for a while now that we should just get a Gridania RP Linkshell together, make sure that people who want to RP in / around here know each other and can contact each other easily.

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I am planning for K'mana to be a primary crafter with botany and alchemy as her main skills so this interests me greatly. Has me thinking of the healers guild from "Touch of Power."


I think it would be a great idea, especially coupled with the plague idea brought up in the other thread, the possibility of Tonberry Latern posts and help of the Leaders Roundtable a large event could possiably be pulled together.


Nimarhie, if you start this FC up I'll be sure to join in xD

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I dunno what I want to call it though...


Thought of: Gridanian Medical Society; Eorzean Medical Society (EMS); Twelvewood Apothecary Organization (TAO), but organization makes it sound too modern. Twelvewood Physicians Society (TPS, lol Office Space) also sounds nice.


Oh, Apothecaries/Physicians Without Borders! haha.. I wanted it to be more like the Royal Medical Society in England though.


Twelvewood Medical Society (tooms lol)...


Twelvewood Apothecary's Guild (TWAG xD).

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Introducing: the Apothecarie's Guild! I didnt know there was a 20 character limit, so I couldn't use EMS like I was going to...


Feel free to PM Taijha Tayuun (me) is you want to join as a medical person, or somesuch. :)

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 and even snake-oil salesmen could sneak in to add some drama and conflict.


I have a plan for a highlander drug dealer.  A botanist/alchemist/conjurer of pretty ill-repute, but not thoroughly evil.  He heals the shady and criminally-inclined but he wants his gil, thankee sai.


If red mage was in the game, that'd be him, but Robs doesn't like labels very much.

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Anais might work for this.  She's an arcanist and scholar, primarily focused on healing, as well as a botanist and alchemist.  She doesn't tend to be in Gridania, however, due to storyline stuff, but she travels there frequently so she could be a bit of a, like a relief type person.


Also, high fives for fellow VTs! :)

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The LS isnt just for Gridania, its all city-states, its just that ICly Tai hasn't left the Shroud except for once on a curiosity-binge into Eastern Thanalan... she got sunburned, so she hasn't been there since. :P


It's a linkshell of doctors and whatnot from all over, like a network for sharing ideas and asking questions and so on. :)


Also Im in-game now, so feel free to whisper me if you want in.

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