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A new life (Ended)

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A little smirk crossed Scyra's face. "First off, think you should stop drinking your visions begun to blur, seconded off, you sound like a typical male who thinks he knows it all." She says ending with a little giggle, she opens her cloak again to show a row large capsules, easily able to contain a syringe safely. "If I'm not already immune to it from my skills in alchemy and testing potions immunizations and the sort I have my custom made auto injector syringe for hint at the first signs of a chemical change, not to mention poisons, aphrodisiac's and paralyzing agents all give off a faint energy that well weave spells can train them self's to notice, because everything in this world gives off energy, very specific energy's that can also be similar." Scyra then leans back in her chair and stretches. "Anyways, I've had my close calls, I have been close to having been bent over by some Highlander before, was funny how it snapped off so easily once frozen. A flint lock is easy to be heard being drawn when you have ears like us Miqo'te." Scyra then ran her right hand over her ear. "Even had close calls on the ship I'll admit, close calls after beating a sore loser at a card game. Not to mention it's very very uncommon for someone, especially with self delusions of them self, to be so well connected that they could poison someone in the middle of a pub while it's busy. I can understand your trying to be all protective while being an annoyance to someone you just met, it's just how you Midlands are." Scyra finish's with a content and catty smile across her face.


(Pardon me if my grammar and wording is a bit off then normal, 4 mile run in 88 degree heat at 50-60%ish humidity sucks lol.)

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Bob raised an eyebrow yet again, "Why thank you for telling me all of these things in a crowded bar. Very good to know when and how to kill you in an ally. Be it day or night. If you weren't a mark before you are now you idiot. 'Custom auto injector', wonder how much that would be worth? Oh, or maybe all those little vials on your body? Flintlock? Think already loaded crossbow or four."

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At Bob's cocky words Scyra lets out a almost hysterical laugh at him. "You wouldn't be the first person to regent their actions of picking a fight, I'm guessing you don't really know the job of a ships Bosun do you? We are a bold breed, not many can be like us, we may be quick to drop a few things for people to get the point, some do some don't, others need a beating. But I will be kind and tell you this, the things we say are the small things, kinda like the icing on the cake. Just know this, it's difficult to even harm someone who is not bound to the material world such as the majority of the people in this room. Now, do you wish to keep making the overly aggressive statements that you've been making, or do you wish to continue, because I'm sure with your constant talk of how you could harm me would be more then enough for the guards siting at that table their to take you in." With another Catty smile Scyra leaned in and whispered into Bob's ear.


(The 'spoiler' is just what Scyra whispers is all.)



"And who do you think they'd believe, the aggressive looking Hyur? or the cute little Miqo'te? Your choice if you wish to continue to talk this way or continue to be well, a drunken fool."

Scyra then sat back into her chair, and looked to the blond Hyur at the bar with them. "If that was his attempt he must be a very desperate man, but that's more understandable then anything else I am guessing, that or he likes to put up front of being a tough guy."

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Bob laughed, "Honestly I doubt I'd have to to anything to make them go away. Waggle my fingers at most. Pathetic excuse of a guard they have nowaday."



(A brief rundown of Bob, and why I just now became very angry!!!) 22:52


*Cries* (I just wrote a story explaing his past on another tab, then hit the veiw your post button :cry: WHYYYYYYY????? On a short rundown, he is a thaumaturge/conjuror/gladiator, mostly a thaumaturge. He's a lot older then he looks (around 500 years older actually) due to a trick he learned with thaumaturgy. He was once a dreaded pirate with the wonderfully original name of The Blood Pirate.)


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Scyra lets out a little sigh and rolls her eyes. "Alright, well Bob, what is this band of 'thieves' that took interest in me already? specially when my good are worth less then 500 gil if I don't maintain them properly everyday."


(something simple, I need sleep, busy day tomorrow, cheers."

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Bob nodded his head over to a man sitting at a booth by himself, "That man is a marker, when you bought the drinks you were marked by him. The blonde here was marked when he walked int. His other marks are still in here." Bob nodded his to a man laughing with some friends, "See them? Those are chasers. They are the ones that follow you and kill you. Unfortunatly for them, they are going to be dead soon.

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(( Jiiii is the sound made in certain Japanese shows when a character is staring. ))


If he were of the feline type, his ears would have perked at the sound of thieves, instead it was just a well hidden sense of intrigue. Sipping at his brandy he remained quiet.

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The door to the pub creaked open once more, a crimson haired hyur entered, her hand running through her cropped hair. She tilted her head back revealing her hazel eyes, letting out a sigh of frustration. She walked over to the blond hyur, leaning against the bar next to him. She looked to the bartender and nodded, "Just a water please."


Her gaze moved to the slightly shorter hyur standing next to her, giving a small sigh before speaking. "Why is it that all you can think about is treasure after almost getting killed by those things?" Her eyes traveled to her right forearm, a dark burgundy color tarnishing the white gauze bandage. She took the mug of water in her hands, taking a small sip.


"Do you even care Vale?" Her voice sounds more disappointed than upset, her eyes aimed towards the mug.

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Vale's entire body stiffened as he saw the older girl enter the pub. It felt as though a cube of ice had just been slid down his back.


"H-hey Isabel!" He offereed her a prettyboy smile before rubbing the back of his neck with his right hand, the other resting upon his side again. "We made it out alright, didn't we? It's not like that kind of stuff happens often! How was I to know there'd be no treasure? ... And there'd be Morbols? We made it out okay, and I won't let it happen again, Vee's promise!" He rubbed the bridge of his nose with his index-finger before offering her a thumbs up.


"And of course I care. I never want to see a pretty girl in danger. So, let's just make sure we ensure our tips are legit beforehand! ... Or at least more-so legit. No fun in an adventure where you know it all beforehand."


He took his brandy once more, finishing the glass with a swig.

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Isabel turned to face Vale, giving him a look that could mean only one thing, "You are stupid." She took another sip of her water, before holding her right arm up to his face.


"How is this okay? Remember the whole bleeding profusely and almost having it amputated? 'Cause I do." Her voice sounded more irritated than before. Her hands moving to close around his hand that thumbs-upped.


"Don't make a promise you can't keep..." She blushed at the compliment, looking at him with a sigh as he finished his sentence. "I thought you -have- been looking into the tips beforehand..." She dropped her head, looking once more at her mug of water. "Men."

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Dandelion listened quietly to the two conversations, slipping in and out of both. One was a pissing contest about thieves and the other was some sort of spat about treasure and amputations. Neither was more interesting than the cider she was finishing. Still, there was one thing out of order.


Leaning back in her stool and grinning, she spoke down the bar towards Isabel. "Hey darlin', you know they serve better things than water here, right? Your boy toy has the right idea, can't go wrong with brandy."

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Hearing the boy-toy comment he placed the glass down and grinned, wrapping an arm around Isabel and pulled her into a side-hug. "Isabel here doesn't like the drink. She's all milk and water."


The grin remained while he canted his head to the side slightly and directed his attention to Dandelion.. "So, do you have a name to go along with that pretty face?"

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Isabel just gives a small grin as Vale talks, piping in as he finishes. "Doesn't really suit my tastes." She shrugs, looking at Vale as he cants his head. She'd take her left hand and gently smack him on the back of the head.


"You dissolve one situation only to get yourself in another you idiot." She spoke with a light-hearted tone, but he knew full well of her meaning. She shifted her weight, her body language showing no desire to deal with Vale at the moment.

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