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A new life (Ended)

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Dandelion finished her cider slowly as the the two menfolk talked about her like she wasn't there. She turned back to the bar and pushed her cup towards the bartkeep for a refill before speaking up. "First of all, I'm not drunk. Well, not yet. Still early in the night for a Keeper. Secondly," she gestures towards Isabel, "I dunno if your girlfriend would like you inviting adorable creatures like myself for joyrides. I'm pretty irresistable, ya know." She finishes off with a burp and a grin and takes a large gulp of her newly replenished drink.

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Bob chuckled, "Yes, yes you can. Usually adorableness dislikes having other adorableness close by. And when adorableness is around more for extended periods of time.... Well, someone could get killed or maimed. And it usually isn't the adorable." He raised his eybrow at Dandelion, "And an irresitable drunk? That is very hard to believe."

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"I think I read a story about an all Roegadyn crew once." Dandelion put her index finger to her chin as the gears in her head spun. "Oh yeah, so this woman was married to this rich guy, right? But she didn't like him and ended up being kidnapped by this Roegadyn pirate ship. And then .. well ... you know. " She began to make a series of vivid, and frankly quite vulgar, hand gestures to finish the story.

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She raised her eyebrows and pursed her lips as Vale glanced at her before making the 'adorable' comment. "I'm going to side with Bob on that comment, however the one who would be maimed and or killed wouldn't be the adorable one, if you catch my drift." She smirked, before waving down the bartender for another mug of water.

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Scyra places a hand on Bob's shoulder, "Listen this is not your little crew, no matter how much you try to convince someone to what you perceive as reality will never happen when you overemphasizing what another has said in an attempt to sway them to what you said. What she was probably trying to tell you is it would go too far into his ego if he had nothing but a airship full of women. So despite how well traveled you seem, and your constant need to give advice, maybe you should sit down, pull your head out of your arse and listen to the world or even just for a moment all who are around you at time and what they truly are saying." Scyra ended with a smile.

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"That explains a lot about you, here I thought you were simple an emotional cripple, but instead you speak like an old man on his death bed unable to move but still afraid of death so he slips into his own little world to bring him some sort of happiness in his bleak existence. But what I don't get is why a man in his, what 20's? 30's? Would act like that." Scyra said before mumbling into her mug of water.


Scyra mumbles Out of Character, "Now all he needs to say is his greatest weakness is he sparkles in the sunlight." :P


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