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Alpha/Beta testing announced -- March 11th


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Closed ALPHA testing was announced to begin on March 11 (invites to be sent on the 1st). Going by this schedule, we're looking at a release date around August/September/October most likely.


Here's the official quote from SE:


With the eagerly anticipated FINAL FANTASY XIV drawing ever nearer its beta test phase, we are excited to announce that we will be conducting a closed alpha testâexclusive to our loyal FINAL FANTASY XI users!


Those who have been selected as beta testers can expect to receive further information starting from Monday, March 1.


*The tester website is scheduled to go live on Thursday, March 11.


Those who were not selected in this drawing, fear not, for there will be other opportunities to come. Be sure to stay tuned!


Source: http://www.playonline.com/ff11us/event/vanafes2010/index.html


Rumor has it there was also a new trailer at the event, though there is nothing to prove that as of now. If there was one, I'm sure it will surface sometime this week.


Edit: Apparently, the alpha test is starting and not the beta test. Hurray for SE not giving the full details during the initial announcement.

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Edited above post to change beta to alpha. Not the greatest communication on SE's part in my opinion. Regardless though, beta will still most likely be coming extremely soon. Alpha and beta are kind of being used interchangeably as well due to how close together they are. To be truthful, I don't know what's going on with alpha/beta. Far too confusing.

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Yet another bump to notify everyone that both Zam and Eorzeapedia have partnered with SE to give out more beta invites. You must be a registered user of one or both of those sites to apply. You must also have applied for beta via the main SE site beforehand. Visit the aforementioned sites for more details.

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I just wanted to add... you actually have to be an active FFXI player with an FFXI e-mail address too. It's not just for people who are members of either site.


I'm interested in the beta, but I don't know if I'm interested enough to reinstall everything and re-subscribe to FFXI lol..


[EDIT] Sooo yeah.. I caved after all, hahaha. Here's hoping for the beta ^.^

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New info from ZAM:



Last night, the Japanese Square Enix Members Twitter account (@SQEX_MEMBERS_JP) posted a short comment from Final Fantasy XIV Producer Hiromichi Tanaka regarding beta selection. Tanaka was quoted as saying:


"Participants for the Windows beta test will be selected sequentially. From the time the beta test begins, we will continue to slowly, but surely, add in players.


Those who haven't been selected, please don't be disappointed and start looking forward to your next chance!"


For now, players can try submitting their application through ZAM's Special Beta Recruitment, but whether you win or lose, chin up! There are more opportunities on the horizon!


Always good to know.. I'd like to be in the Beta but I'm not willing to pay for it, not even re-activating my FFXI haha. I'll wait until it's free, or not at all. I'll pay for the full-out game when it comes around and that's it :P

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As it turns out... I completely sold out :P Despite my adamant statement I just made not that long ago, I reactivated FFXI... not only did I reactivate, but I actually purchased a new account ($$) which I used to bump my username in a world-transfer ($$) for my re-activated OLD account ($$) which forced the system into renaming my main account/character, which effectively cuts all my ties with the old-me while still keeping all my accomplishments.


So much for "won't pay to re-activate / get into beta" ;) .. I just did the most extreme opposite of that imaginable. But.. what I can honestly say is that I did NOT do it to get into beta :P I really am just so excited about FFXIV that I'm going stir-crazy with no MMO, and WoW wasn't gonna cut it, so I really do wanna play FFXI again, but I think I'll level up something low just for kicks.


On an off note, I never understand how I can leave my character inactive for basically ever, and she's always there when I go back. People always talk about their chars getting deleted.. mine never does O.o

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Hahaha Happy I did almost the same thing! I swore up and down I would never reactivate FFXI again.. then I went and did it, then paid for a world transfer to a server where my name already existed just so I could change my character's name. I swear.. this game... :roll:

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Hahaha Happy I did almost the same thing! I swore up and down I would never reactivate FFXI again.. then I went and did it' date=' then paid for a world transfer to a server where my name already existed just so I could change my character's name. I swear.. this game... :roll:[/quote']


A friend of mine has always said:


FFXI is like crack. You may quit but you'll always en up giving up and returning to it.

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