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Create an RP Hub


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I didn't want to rant to death on Mihrimi's thread, and I nearly did because I tend to rant. A lot.


So much.


So the crises of having server poots and what not seem to (at least for me) have ebbed a little tiny bit. I'm not very high level yet. I mooooourn not having more time to RP.


But I keep trying to beg people to be confident with walk-up RP and with Mih's thread I realized-- ya can't walk up to RP if there's no RP to walk up to.


Is there any way, or any willingness, to arrange some kind of meet up for one day to make some feeble effort at starting one solid area for RP? Someplace people can go just to RP. I don't really care if it's a tavern at this point, I feel like there should be someplace, if even temporarily, and I'm willing to sit around and start conversations on my woefully inadequate character if it means I might have a place to come back to for some random encounters of the RP kind.


I'm not saying an event at a strange, far-off place, just a place where we can maybe agree to meet on Balmung. Not just Balmung but Gilgamesh too. You could bring your friends or your groups or whatever, if we could just find a reason to go to some place for some period of time and maybe start something regular.


I also know some people still haven't gotten the game yet and some people are still hardcore leveling but maybe if we put aside a little time to RP in one place we could help ourselves and others out.


Just an idea.

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Ecch, I'm not a fan of RPing in cities at all, let alone the smack dead middle of the adventurer's guild. Where everyone plonks down to craft by leve masters and spams your chat with goldsellers and sounds and sparkles and 'synth' status. Not to mention everyone turning in story quests or starting new characters. 


I'd suggest moving to one of the side starting towns outside the cities.. As we learned already, the Bobbing Cork in Fallgourd Float in the North Shroud where the Gala was held is quite an awesome spot. It's rather dead, save the occasional quest turn in. There's an Aetheryte for easy access. It's within walking distance of Gridania, so even a level 1 could get there easily. 


Alternatively you could go for the other places, such as Hawthorne, and Black Brush. Though, both of those are usually quite bustling. Moraby Drydocks is usually quite deserted. Camp Bronze Lake is probably one of my favourite spots, because it's pretty much a hotspring with tables and chairs and a completely vacated bar. But that's in the level 30s so it's a bit more difficult to make THAT a hub. 


Long story short. My vote is with Fallgourd Float.

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Ecch, I'm not a fan of RPing in cities at all, let alone the smack dead middle of the adventurer's guild. Where everyone plonks down to craft by leve masters and spams your chat with goldsellers and sounds and sparkles and 'synth' status. Not to mention everyone turning in story quests or starting new characters. 


I'd suggest moving to one of the side starting towns outside the cities.. As we learned already, the Bobbing Cork in Fallgourd Float in the North Shroud where the Gala was held is quite an awesome spot. It's rather dead, save the occasional quest turn in. There's an Aetheryte for easy access. It's within walking distance of Gridania, so even a level 1 could get there easily. 


Alternatively you could go for the other places, such as Hawthorne, and Black Brush. Though, both of those are usually quite bustling. Moraby Drydocks is usually quite deserted. Camp Bronze Lake is probably one of my favourite spots, because it's pretty much a hotspring with tables and chairs and a completely vacated bar. But that's in the level 30s so it's a bit more difficult to make THAT a hub. 


Long story short. My vote is with Fallgourd Float.

It'd be a meet up point, nothing more.


That said, I'm not married to the idea. Someone else can do it.

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I agree with Koyu, the Adventurers' Guilds are very busy with crafters and the like.  There are some awesome spots in the low-level sections of all three starting areas that could be used, such as little villages or outposts.   Another option would be to pick a more out-of-the-way spot in one of the cities.


With a designated "hot spot", one could wander in IC at any time and just check out who's there and what not, as opposed to just drifting through the world hoping to bump into someone.

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I have not seen a specific RP hub so far in any of the three cities, what I experienced was role-players in small groups both inside the cities in various locations (not just taverns thank goodness) with a concentration on open world locations, like spread out everywhere!.


As I was questing or RPing with people I always seem to fall on others Rping in the little scattered outposts and villages which made me super happy! Not everyone RP a citizen, adventurers are more often in the field so it all made sense to me.


As for creating a rp hub, I have a suggestion: why not change it every week so people get to discover wonderful new places in beautiful Eorzea?

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I know that as someone new to the rp community in this game I would absolutely love there to be any number of places like this.  Casual walk up encounters often help me get used to playing a new character and help me lock down more aspects of the character so that when the time comes to put in an application to join a Linkshell I know the character inside and out.  I can't really suggest an area myself having not leveled to far into the game yet but if there does end up being some kind of rotation to these hotspots it is imperative that the rotation or at least which hotspot is currently active be easy information to find.

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@DAISHI I think you have me mistaken; I wasn't asking you to run anything or be totally committed to the idea and willing to organize any work yourself, I wasn't asking for someone to do this for my jollies either, I was asking for people to respond, which you have, -for the good of all of us- especially our new people and the people to come.


@Everyone else:


1. As DAISHI said, this is to be a meet up point, or several meet up points, simple enough that if anyone ever asks 'Where's the RP hub on -blah-' You can tell them one of these locations instead of giving 'maybe these six places'. It's not where you have to spend the rest of your life.


2. I agree the guilds are too busy, I just thought it was the best place for people to bump into anyone if they were new and not part of the RPC. So, the side towns sound find. Busy or no, people will at least be moving in and out of them and not crafting for an hour. 


3. On the matter of changing it up every week-- Certainly, we could do that. But the RP at those places would probably be encouraged to continue, otherwise they're not hubs. If there's more than three, maybe even more than one, we'll be spread awfully thin, don't you think?


So the three immediate areas outside the majority city-states, Gridania is low traffic but the other two aren't. As long as people won't be standing in the building for huge amounts of time we won't be a big distraction to them and nor them to us. I think it does help to be in a place with some traffic, and it will likely subside a bit after people have started getting towards cap again and things die down.

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Back in the day in CoH, one of the major RP hotspots was Atlas Park. It sort of organically turned into that, as a group of RPers consistently RPed there, and others, noticing it, decided to join in. The consistency ensured that there was always someone there, so eventually, that part of Atlas Park was like the Woodstock of RP. :)


So, the key is to just assert a place -- let's say Aleport, near the mermaid statue -- and start RPing there. As others see it and join in, it'll become a de facto hot spot. That's sort of how Wineport is becoming a hotspot; there's usually a reasonable number of RPers there. As DAISHI did, just pick a time and a place to start using that locale, and go from there.

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