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Is Gilgamesh more active than Balmung RP wise?


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As for the original post, I to have wondered if Gilgamesh would have more RP, or at least be more welcoming. It's not that the Balmung community has been rude, but we are dealing with the Legacy community, with established cliques and sometimes breaking into those can be hard.


It doesn't help with you think you see a group of RPers standing about, but none of them are talking outside of their group/party/linkshell. Doesn't exactly scream "hey come RP with us" rather in screams the opposite. Also I see "you need to join a linkshell/free company to find RP" posted a lot on this forum, and that's kind of depressing to think the community is so xenophobic of strangers. 


The exact same problems may exist on Gilgamesh, I have yet to roll a character there. But with the community there being new, it may or may not feel more welcoming to someone looking for RP. I dunno, I'm not ready to give up on Balmung just yet.






The Majority of Players on Balmung(rpers, pvers etc) are new. Legacies are nowhere near common enough for that really to be an issue. Every Legacy on Balmung could be in a small clique of theirown and it would not effect the rp numbers signfiicantly

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I've never been on Gilgamesh but I always find RP on Balmung. Always, every night. Most popular spots seem to be Limsa's Drowning Wench and Bismarck, Ul'dah's Quicksand and Gold Court, Costa del Sol and Camp Bronze Lake. Sometimes it's arranged via my linkshell, sometimes I get whispers from people because I have "RPer" in my search info and sometimes it's walk ups.


I noticed a few people saying the RP on Balmung is insular; I can't speak for everyone but I always try to include strangers if I'm RPing with friends. Yesterday was a prime example. It started off with myself and a friend, then we invited a walk up to join us, then another, then the first left and yet another came, and before we knew it there was 7 or 8 people all RPing together, most of whom had never met previously!


There will always be people more closed off to strangers, no matter where you go, but there are also people like me who will welcome you with open arms. If you're still on Balmung then please do add me to your friends list and give me a nudge for RP.

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I'm also on Balmung (honestly no desire to play on any other server, either), and I can't throw a rock without hitting roleplayers. I see it in the cities, in the Adventure guilds, out in the world, you name it. I haven't had much opportunity to join in, since I'm trying hard to catch up to my max level friends, but it's everywhere on Balmung. It's good to know there's plenty about when I'm done making my mad dash to 50.

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again with using the term legacy? can we stop mis-using that please?  this is just turning into another "I don't like you because you've been playing longer then me" pointless arguments. I'm really tired of the fact that some of us who stuck out in 1.0 are being bashed for our dedication. we don't lord it over you. please stop perceiving that tattoo and slightly different chocobo as a great barrier of ego preventing you from rping and playing with us

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again with using the term legacy? can we stop mis-using that please?  this is just turning into another "I don't like you because you've been playing longer then me" pointless arguments. I'm really tired of the fact that some of us who stuck out in 1.0 are being bashed for our dedication. we don't lord it over you. please stop perceiving that tattoo and slightly different chocobo as a great barrier of ego preventing you from rping and playing with us


It's unfortunate but a lot of players are likely jealous of anyone they perceive to have rewards, items or a status that they cannot obtain themselves. I encountered a similar level of prejudice back when I played WoW as I was lucky enough to have amassed quite a lot of items, titles and pieces of gear that could no longer be obtained. It's best to try and not let it get to you since to be perfectly blunt you're not really missing out on much by having those sort of players avoid you.

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To be honest, I tried to RP on Balmung several times. Most people have their own cliques and they're almost unreachable/unavailable when new role-players are trying to integrate themselves to the community. Last time I RP'd, I was in a "supposedly" RP LS for RP newcomers/beginners. As soon as I politely asked about their RP style and such, people started yelling/causing drama for no reason. Someone even quoted the ToS (which is irrelevant since there's a ESRB content rating symbol on the back of the game box.)


That is... excessively strange. :( I'm sorry you had a bad experience with that group, but as others have said, I hope you don't take it as representative of the entire community. I try to be open to everyone in RP whether I know them or not, and if the nature of a scene means I can't feasibly include you IC -- say, a meeting between FC leaders -- I'll always react to your emotes and drop you a tell OOC to apologize and see if there's some way we can arrange some more RP. I imagine most other players on the server are the same way. My point is that some bad apples in one bunch don't ruin the whole orchard. :)

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It took me two or three weeks to find folks RPing, but once I did I made friends, joined an IC LS, and have been RPing every day now. It's fun! We've been doing some quests, dungeons, and fates/leves IC, and are saying / yelling at each other as we run across the world. I almost gave up since it took me a few weeks, but once I got started and made IC friends, it has been easy to find RP. For those who feel frustrated, check some of the places folks have named and see if you can find pickup RP: the Adventurer's guilds, Wineport, Costa del Sol, the Bobbing Cork, etc. I will RP with new folks too; send me a tell or if you see me, talk to me in /say.


Give it a few tries, too. Sometimes folks are doing their own plotline and don't really want people to join in, but I always say more-the-merrier. I never really have anything planned (I am casual) and like interruptions!

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again with using the term legacy? can we stop mis-using that please?  this is just turning into another "I don't like you because you've been playing longer then me" pointless arguments. I'm really tired of the fact that some of us who stuck out in 1.0 are being bashed for our dedication. we don't lord it over you. please stop perceiving that tattoo and slightly different chocobo as a great barrier of ego preventing you from rping and playing with us


Hey, hey, hey, sheath those claws kitty cat. :P I don't think anyone here said anything about a "us vs them" scenario when it comes to Legacy and New players. And I'm pretty sure not a single person even mentioned having gear envy, or bashing of legacy players, but maybe I missed that post *shrug* 


I know I mentioned Legacy players in one of my posts, and the point I was trying to make was that when your the new kid on the block (people like me) it can be hard to break into established communities/guilds. I played SWG for 7 years, and when we got new players we often heard the same thing about how it was sometimes hard for them to assimilate (borg!) with an existing community.

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again with using the term legacy? can we stop mis-using that please?  this is just turning into another "I don't like you because you've been playing longer then me" pointless arguments. I'm really tired of the fact that some of us who stuck out in 1.0 are being bashed for our dedication. we don't lord it over you. please stop perceiving that tattoo and slightly different chocobo as a great barrier of ego preventing you from rping and playing with us


Hey, hey, hey, sheath those claws kitty cat. :P I don't think anyone here said anything about a "us vs them" scenario when it comes to Legacy and New players. And I'm pretty sure not a single person even mentioned having gear envy, or bashing of legacy players, but maybe I missed that post *shrug* 


I know I mentioned Legacy players in one of my posts, and the point I was trying to make was that when your the new kid on the block (people like me) it can be hard to break into established communities/guilds. I played SWG for 7 years, and when we got new players we often heard the same thing about how it was sometimes hard for them to assimilate (borg!) with an existing community.


It's always hard for people to feel like they'll fit in with an existing group. I mean, you can always hope; but seeing how other people have histories and connections and then looking at your own brand new character stacks upon any already existing feelings of 'maybe I don't know enough lore' or 'maybe they won't like my character'. It's not anyone's fault-- but it remains a fact.


I think what some people might need to realize is, at this point, I'm pretty sure new people outnumber Legacy players. The only real drawback I've heard is that you might not get queues as fast because level 50s are level 50s and if you're lower-- Well, I don't have much of a problem because I'm leveling a tank, so I can't really say.


I hope no one said anything about anyone not liking anyone else because they've been playing longer. I'm sure it's just -not- the case amongst RPers. There's a plethora of reasons you might find yourself not liking someone else, and maybe a few of them -seem- like they occur more frequently in people who've been around longer, I don't really feel that's the case. If anyone feels that way, they're likely feeling very insecure and they should be treated gently, not defensively.

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Is this thread still going? Yeesh. Make a character on both, try them out, see which one you like better. End of discussion. There's really no reason to continue this.



It wasn't the OP keeping this thread alive, by the way. It was the countless people replying to other peoples posts that kept it alive. So please don't point a finger at one when it was all. ^^

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I'm going to kindly ask an admin/mod to close this thread. I'm getting rude posters still ('he said she said'), snarky remarks, and insults directed toward me when I don't feel I've done any wrong in inquiring an innocent question of curiosity.


My decision has been made now anyways!


So if a staff member could close this, it'd be appreciated. 

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