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FFXIV Alliance?

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The FFXIValliance is a group of people who have played together in the past, RP or NonRP, planning on rolling where the RPC goes.


It has a long history.


~ Crimson Pirates (My FFXI guild) housed members of HACK! for a long while before they quit the game.


~ Guardians of Balance also housed members of HACK! during their time on FFXI


~ In FFXI there was a sister guild of the Crimson Pirates called the Night Blades, BOTH guilds had members in the NonRP Social/Endgame shell Noizy Tribe.


~ Noizy Tribe housed members of Crimson Pirates, Night Blades, and Guardians of Balance when we went back to FFXI after quitting Aion.


~ The Night Blades of Aion housed members of Guardians of Balance once they left Aion. (This was when we first met the Guardians of Balance, members from HACK! being in GoB and CP was pure coincidence)


~ The Night Blades and the Crimson Pirates have combined for FFXIV, making the Crimson Blades instead of making two separate shells.


~ Noizy Tribe will be joining the alliance shortly.


~ We are all connected by a long, convoluted history and decided to make a website dedicated to that to set up OOC events.

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Actually FFXIV Alliance is my site. :) I built it as a way for friends that I have across different servers from XI to get together. Its a forum for RP and Non RP Linkshells alike to work together and share information. :) Anyone from here is more than welcome to join ^^ Actually really my hopes for it are that many different people from whatever server we are on join it. (But I figure that is for later when we are actually playing)

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I think that came across wrong >.> I didn't build it all by myself,Stygian (from Guardians of Balance and an IRL friend), helped me do the coding cause I am not that awesome. :P I just bought the domain and made the idea and directed :P cause I am not nearly cool enough to know all that SMF Code.

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Except Endgame and Social shells are welcome to join.


Final Fantasy has always been a numbers game, the more people you know, the more likely you're going to claim X NM.


I should say it is not a Roleplay Coalition, though RPers do fill the ranks. It's for people interested in actual in game activities. You probably won't see Heavy RP guilds on the site, as they don't focus on endgame.

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The linkshell application is for in the future when we get close to other guilds who may want to continue keeping in contact with us (Like maybe the GoldenMyst, since it also has members in HACK!)


Ahh okay, gotcha. I guess I was thrown off on the whole "making your tight-knit group of friends you've played with for years fill out an impersonal application for approval to join" thing. Well, that and it's weird that an alliance of close-knit friends would have a section dedicated to questions for getting to know each other


In order to apply please tell us a little about yourself, and about your Shell.

Important information to include:

Linkshell Name

Type of LS (Social, RP, End Game)

If RP - Does your Linkshell have a back story?

Leaders of Linkshell

Any LS Specific rules

Number of Members


But whatever works for close friends! :) Like I said, if it's a private forum that's cool. It just showed up on Google and some people might get the wrong idea about what it is you are working on.

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Oh. Well I mean for friends I guess that's ok. But maybe you should be a little more clear about that? Because it sounds like just ANYONE can join at the moment. You should write up a better manifesto so no one makes another mistake about this being another coalition!


The purpose of this site is to provide a place where many Linkshells can gather and mingle!


But I can see why someone would make the assumption!


You do not have to be in a Linkshell to join our Alliance. If you need help finding a Linkshell within the Alliance there is a section for Linkshell Recruitment.
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Even I had to fill it out and I've known them for a year :P


It's mostly for A. knowing what kind of LS it is (Endgame/Social/RP) so we know what they want to focus on and B. How many members, because, as I said before, FFXIV is a numbers game.


Again, its not an RP Coalition. It's an Endgame/Dungeon Crawl one.


And Brin yeah pretty much. I don't know EVERYONE in GoB or what their purpose was till they filled it out.

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Pretty much.. Its basically a place where pretty much any linkshell (Minus the evil scary drama peoples) can get together and either share knowledge, plan multi-linkshell events, and it also gives people a place to make new friends. :)

Basically if someone wants to do some Mission (If they have them in XIV), Party, End game things, or just plain fun stuff, like IG Secret Santa and RP events, then they have a place to get together with more people. Its also got a place where members can put in their character info (Job Lvl ect) and members can search for people to party with that may not be in their LS, but they at least know a bit about. However, I am a full believer in the philosophy "Its your game, you pay for it, I'm not gonna tell ya what to do." lol So if you don't feel like doing events and things you don't have to.. its just there for people to have fun with. ^^

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Armi quite replying faster than I can :P Its actually a mix of everything and its worded that way because I would like to welcome pretty much anyone. (Minus the jerks) I started it with friends because well... I don't know everyone that will end up playing. :D where better to start than with your friends. Friends of Friends are welcome or if someone comes along that wants to join it that is great too. :)

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Armi quite replying faster than I can :P Its actually a mix of everything and its worded that way because I would like to welcome pretty much anyone. (Minus the jerks) I started it with friends because well... I don't know everyone that will end up playing. :D where better to start than with your friends. Friends of Friends are welcome or if someone comes along that wants to join it that is great too. :)



If that's the case, perhaps once the game is released, it can evolve in a hub for the server (to include all player bases within 14). It could kind of be like the forum the Quetz. had set up back in the day for XI. That'd be pretty helpful for the community on a whole.

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That is kinda what I was hoping for, because I liked the one for Quetz and we didn't have that on Odin. Honestly I just didn't think anyone other that the friends I harassed into joining it would find it. lol I was really surprised to see this thread honestly. ^^;

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